Editing Sensors

To edit a sensor:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, in the Sensors folder, right-click a sensor and select Edit Sensor.
    If the Sensors folder is not visible, right-click the FeatureManager design tree and select Hide/Show Tree Items. Then in the dialog box, select Show in Sensors.
  2. Change parameters in the Sensor PropertyManager.
  3. Click .
    The sensor and its current value appear in the Sensors folder in the FeatureManager design tree.
You can double-click a sensor in the FeatureManager design tree for more information about it. For example:
  • Double-click an Interference Detection sensor. The Interference Detection PropertyManager opens and the graphics area zooms to the interference.
  • Double-click a Mass Properties sensor. The Mass Properties dialog box opens.
  • Double-click a Dimension sensor. The graphics area zooms to the dimension.