Using Alternate Component Names

In Component Properties, you can specify an alternate component name to appear in the FeatureManager design tree without changing the component's file name.

By default, SOLIDWORKS identifies a component by its file name in the FeatureManager design tree. Using an alternate name can be useful if your company uses part numbers that are not descriptive. For example, if your assembly uses a flange with a part number P112728-101, you can specify flange as an alternate name to appear in the FeatureManager design tree.

Before you begin, to keep the alternate name if you replace the component file, do the following:
  1. Click Tools > Options and click External References.
  2. Clear Update component names when documents are replaced.

To specify an alternate component name:

  1. In an assembly document, select a component and select Component Properties (context toolbar).
  2. In the dialog box, for Component Name, enter a name.
  3. Click OK.
    In the FeatureManager design tree, the component displays the name. The component's file name remains unchanged.