Lists these bodies that are under constrained. A green arrow in the graphics area points to the direction (translation or rotation) of free movement.
Select one of the listed degrees of freedom (for example, Translation 1 or Rotation 1) to view an animated translation of the under constrained body.
Before your run the simulation, apply adequate restraints to prevent instability of the model.
If no rigid bodies are detected, the solver issues a message that the model is fully constrained.
The Underconstrained bodies tool does not detect any instability issues for models containing no penetration contacts, or bolt connectors. Bodies with bolt connectors and no penetration contacts can be sufficiently constrained for a successful simulation, but are shown in the list of unconstrained bodies.
See also SOLIDWORKS Simulation Help: Detection of Rigid Body Modes, Use Soft Spring to Stabilize Model, and Preventing Rigid Body Motion.