Fixtures and loads define the environment of the model. Each restraint or load condition is represented by an icon in the Simulation study tree. The software provides context-sensitive options for defining restraints. For example, if all the selected faces are cylindrical or a reference axis is selected, the program expects you to define radial, circumferential, and axial restraints.
For nonlinear studies and transient thermal studies, fixtures and loads are defined as function of time.
Loads and fixtures are fully associative and automatically adjust to changes in geometry. The drag and drop functionality in the Simulation study tree lets you copy studies, folders, and items.
The software can import loads from SOLIDWORKS Motion and SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation.
A connector simulates the behavior of a mechanism without having to create detailed geometry. The software allows you to define rigid, spring, pin, bolt, elastic support, link, spot weld connectors, and bearing connectors. Such connectors are encountered in many real life designs.
You can organize fixtures, loads, and connectors into folders. Right-click Connections, Fixtures, or External Loads in the Simulation study tree and select Create New Folder. Drag corresponding connections, fixtures, or external loads to the folder, or right-click the folder name and select an item to create in the folder.