To create analysis library features, you first create a study in which you define the analysis features that you want to include in the analysis library. You can create analysis libraries from part (with multi-bodies) and assembly documents. The analysis libraries have the *.sldalprt or *.sldalasm extensions.
To create an analysis library feature:
Open a part or an assembly document.
Click .
- Browse to installation_directory\data\Analysis Library\Examples folder or a sub-folder of the same path. Alternatively, you could define a different Analysis Library path.
- Set Save as type to Analysis Lib Part (*.sldalprt) if the active document is a part document or Analysis Lib Assembly (*.sldalasm) if the active document is an assembly document.
Click Save.
The program saves the document and adds the appropriate extension.
- Create a study.
You can create analysis library features using static, frequency, buckling, thermal, and nonlinear studies.
- Click the Simulation study tab.
Two new folders appear in the Simulation study tree: Library References and Library Values. Values under these folders will be populated based on the item you add to the library.
Define the loads, fixtures, and connections that you want to add to the analysis library.
You can add comments specific to the study. Right-click the top study icon in the Simulation tree and select Properties. On the Remark tab, type any comments and click OK.
In the Simulation study tree, right-click the item that you want to add to the library, for example, Fixed-1 and select Add to Library Feature.
Fixed-1 icon changes from


indicating that this item has been added to the library. You can continue adding features to the library as needed.
Click .