Creating a Study To create a study: Click New Study (Simulation CommandManager). In the PropertyManager, under Name, enter a name for Study name. Under Type, select one of the following: Static Fatigue Frequency Nonlinear Buckling Linear Dynamic Thermal Pressure Vessel Design Drop Test Design Study Submodeling Click . A Simulation study tab with the name of the study appears under the graphics area. Clicking a Simulation study tab displays the corresponding Simulation study tree. To view details about a study: Click the Simulation study tab to display the study tree. Right-click the icon in the Simulation study tree and click Details. Properties of the study play an important role in defining it. To view or modify the properties of a study, right-click the icon in the Simulation study tree and click Properties. To delete a study, right-click the Simulation study tab and click Delete. You can create a study using duplicate. You can move the pointer over the Simulation study tab of a running study to see its status. Parent topicSimulation Studies