You can define temperature-dependent material properties. Instead of a constant value, a material property is defined by pairs of temperature and property values.
To define a temperature-dependent material property:
In the Material dialog box, right-click Custom Materials and select New Category. If needed, rename the New Category folder.
- Right-click the newly defined category and select New Material.
- Under Material properties, select the desired options.
In the Value cell of the material property you define as temperature-dependent, click the down arrow and select Temperature Dependent.
The Tables & Curves tab is active. The material property that changes with temperature is selected by default in the Type menu.
- Set the Units of temperature and the material property.
Type the temperature-property pairs in the table, or click File to read data from a *.dat text file with two columns of data.
The first column contains the temperature data, the second column contains the material property data.
To insert a new data row, double-click a cell in the Points column.
- To view the temperature-material property curve, click View.
- To save the material to a *.dat text file or *.csv Excel file, click Save.
- Click Apply and Close.