Open an existing curve file
Click Browse and navigate to a curve file to open. You can open .sldcrv files or .txt files that use the same format as .sldcrv files. You can also create 3D curves in Microsoft Excel for example, save them as .txt files, then open them in SOLIDWORKS. Create a file containing coordinate values for curve points using a text editor or worksheet application. The file format must be a three-column, tab, or space-delimited list of only X, Y, and Z coordinates. Do not include any column headings, such as X, Y, and Z or other extraneous data.
Change coordinates
Double-click in a cell and enter a new value. (As you enter values, notice the preview of the curve is displayed in the graphics area.)
Add a row
Double-click in a cell in the row below the last numbered row.
Insert a row
Select a number under Point, then click Insert. A new row is inserted above the selected row.
Delete a row
Select a number under Point, then press the Delete key.
Save the curve file
Click Save or Save As, navigate to the desired location, and specify the filename. If you do not specify an extension, the SOLIDWORKS application adds the extension .sldcrv.