Improved diagnostic tools help you examine the quality of a mesh
and detect poor-quality elements.
After meshing, right-click Mesh (Simulation study tree), and select Mesh Quality Diagnostics. The Mesh Quality Diagnostics plots display the Jacobian ratio, Aspect
ratio, or Element volume for the whole model or selected bodies. By default, the
software evaluates an element with a Jacobian ratio and Aspect ratio
than 20 as poor quality. You can edit the
value to evaluate poor quality elements.
For example, in the
image above 24 elements are highlighted as poor quality based on the failure criterion
for Aspect ratio greater than 10.
To isolate poor-quality elements:
- In the Mesh Quality
Diagnostics PropertyManager, under Advanced Options, select Switch to
Probe and Diagnose when poor quality elements are detected.
- In the Probe and Diagnose
PropertyManager, select Isolate poor quality
- Click Mesh Helper to get
assistance refining the mesh at key areas and resolve mesh quality issues before
proceeding with the analysis.