Pin Connector Forces

Listing pin connector loads at the pin joints is more accurate for shear forces and bending moments in the global or a user-defined coordinate system.

The direction of applied loads along the pin connector is taken into account when listing pin connector loads. Although the vector representing the direction of axial force and torque remains the same for all pin joints, the direction of the shear force and bending moment vectors can change from one joint to another.

The local pin axis is a vector that connects the first pin joint to the last joint. The list of pin loads includes the axial force and torque along the local pin axis. The shear forces and bending moments are normal to the pin's axial vector.
The table lists the connector forces of the six-part assembly connected with a multijoint pin (6 joints) shown above. The forces exerted on the pin connector act at an angle measured from the pin axis. In SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2021, the connector shear forces and bending moments are more accurate because their directions are correctly defined at each pin joint.
List of Connector Forces (2021)
List of Connector Forces (2020)