Welcome to eDrawings Help The eDrawings® application gives you the power to create, view, and share 3D models and 2D drawings. eDrawings Help answers your questions about how to use its features efficiently. Download the latest version of eDrawings. Contents Overview of eDrawings You use eDrawings® to create, view, and share 3D models and 2D drawings. Key Features of eDrawings eDrawings Publishers eDrawings® Publishers are plug-ins for CAD applications that enable you to create eDrawings files. eDrawings on Mobile Devices eDrawings® and eDrawings Pro are available for iPad®, iPad mini, iPhone®, and iPod® touch. eDrawings is available for Android™ mobile phones and tablets. eDrawings Functionality Matrix This table shows eDrawings® functionality for eDrawings files published from CAD applications. See below for import of native files. Legal Notices eDrawings Viewer eDrawings Professional eDrawings Installation