Viscous Damping Ratios for Different Systems and Materials

System Viscous Damping Ratio ζ (as percentages of critical damping)
Metals (in elastic range) less than 0.01
Continuous metal structures 0.02 - 0.04
Metal structures with joints 0.03 - 0.07
Aluminum / steel transmission lines ~ 0.04
Small diameter piping systems 0.01 - 0.02
Large diameter piping systems 0.02 -0.03
Auto shock absorbers ~ 0.30
Rubber 0.05
Large buildings during earthquake 0.01 - 0.05
Prestressed concrete structures 0.02 -0.05
Reinforced concrete structures 0.04 -0.07
The data above are taken from: Vince Adams and Abraham Askenazi, Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, OnWord Press, Santa Fe, NM.
Material Viscous Damping Ratio ζ (under approximately 20 ºC)
Aluminum ~ 0.5 10-4
Lead (pure) ~ 10-2
Iron 1 to 3 10-4
Copper (polycrystalline) 10-3
Magnesium ~ 0.5 10-4
Brass < 0.5 10-3
Nickel < 0.5 10-3
Silver < 1.5 10-3
Bismuth ~ 4 10-4
Zinc ~ 1.5 10-4
Tin ~ 10 10-4
The viscous damping ratios are obtained by dividing by 2 the flexural loss factors of the materials given in: L.Cremer and M. Heckl, Stucture-Borne Sound, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988.