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SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks Namespace



IAdvancedHoleElementData Allows access to Advanced Hole element data.
IAdvancedHoleFeatureData Allows access to the Advanced Hole feature data.
IAdvancedSaveAsOptions Allows access to all File > Save As options when saving a SOLIDWORKS Part, Assembly, or Drawing.
IAdvancedSelectionCriteria Allows access to advanced component selection criteria for an assembly.
IAngleMateFeatureData Allows access to an angle mate or a limit angle mate feature.

This interface is:

  • obsolete and has not been superseded.

  • nonfunctional in SOLIDWORKS 2008 and later.

Use the interfaces related to motion studies introduced in SOLIDWORKS 2008 to access animation and simulation.

IAnnotation Allows access to notes, weld symbols, datum tags, display dimensions, blocks, cosmetic threads, center marks, centerlines, and other annotation types.

Allows access to annotation views in parts and assemblies.

IAppearanceSetting Allows access to visual property settings.
IAssemblyDoc Allows access to functions that perform assembly operations; for example, adding new components, adding mate conditions, hiding, and exploding components.
IAttribute Allows access to an attribute's values.
IAttributeDef Allows access to an attribute definition.
IAutoBalloonOptions Allows access to auto balloon options.
IBalloonOptions Allows access to balloon options.
IBalloonStack Allows access to the properties that apply to a balloon stack, such as the direction of the stack.
IBaseFlangeFeatureData Allows access to a base flange feature.
IBendsFeatureData Allows access to a Flatten-Bends/Process-Bends feature.
IBendTable Allows access to a bend table feature.
IBendTableAnnotation Allows access to a bend table annotation.
IBlockDefinition Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchBlockDefinition.
IBlockInstance Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchBlockInstance.
IBody Obsolete. Superseded by IBody2.
IBody2 Allows access to the faces on a body and the ability to create surfaces for sewing into a body object.
IBodyFolder Allows access to the bodies in solid, surface, and various weldment folders.
IBomFeature Allows access to the BOM table feature.

Allows access to BOM table information and values.

IMPORTANT: You can no longer insert IBomTable objects; you can now only insert IBomTableAnnotation objects. IBomTable objects are not and cannot be converted to IBomTableAnnotation objects. Use the IBomTable APIs for legacy BOM tables only.

IBomTableAnnotation Allows access to the IBomFeature object for this table annotation.
IBomTableSortData Allows access to the sort data of an IBomTableAnnotation.
IBoundaryBossFeatureData Allows access to a boundary feature that is a boss or base.
IBoundingBoxFeatureData Allows access to a bounding box feature.
IBreakCornerFeatureData Allows access to a break corner feature.
IBreakLine Allows access to information about a break line in a drawing view.
IBrokenOutSectionFeatureData Allows access to the broken-out section feature data of a drawing view.
IBSurfParamData Allows access to the parameterization data of a B-spline surface.
ICallout Allows add-in applications to manipulate single and multi-row callouts.
ICalloutAngleVariable Allows access to an angle variable in a hole callout.
ICalloutLengthVariable Allows access to a length variable in a hole callout.
ICalloutStringVariable Allows access to a string variable in a hole callout.
ICalloutVariable Allows access to a hole callout.
ICamera Allows access to the camera feature.
ICamFollowerMateFeatureData Allows access to a cam-follower mate feature.
ICavityFeatureData Allows access to a cavity feature.
ICenterLine Allows access to a centerline.
ICenterMark Allows access to a center mark or center mark set in a drawing view.
ICenterOfMass Allows access to the centers of mass in a drawing view.
IChainPatternFeatureData Allows access to a chain component pattern feature.
IChamferFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IChamferFeatureData2.
IChamferFeatureData2 Allows access to a chamfer feature.
ICircularPatternFeatureData Allows access to a circular pattern feature.
IClosedCornerFeatureData Allows access to a closed corner feature.
ICoEdge Allows access to the underlying edge and loop as well as various coedge data.
ICoincidentMateFeatureData Allows access to a coincident mate feature.
ICollision Allows access to collision data.
ICollisionDetectionGroup Allows access to collision detection groups.
ICollisionDetectionManager Allows access to the collision detection manager.
IColorTable Allows access to the color definitions used in SOLIDWORKS.
ICombineBodiesFeatureData Allows access to a combine feature.
ICommandGroup Allows add-in applications to create toolbars and menu items, including flyout toolbars and submenus, and add them to the ICommandManager.
ICommandManager Allows add-in applications to add and remove CommandGroups (menus and toolbars) to the CommandManager.
ICommandTab Allows add-in applications to create tabs and add them to the CommandManager. The add-in application must create and clean up its own tabs.
ICommandTabBox Allows add-in applications to create CommandManager tab boxes and add them to a CommandManager tab. The add-in application must create and clean-up its own tab boxes.
IComment Allows access to the comments in the Comment folder in the FeatureManager design tree.
ICommentFolder Allows access to the Comment folder in the FeatureManager design tree.
IComponent Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2.
IComponent2 Allows access to the components within assemblies. 
ICompositeCurveFeatureData Allows access to a composite curve feature.
IConcentricMateFeatureData Allows access to a concentric mate feature.
IConfiguration Allows you to manage different part or assembly states.
IConfigurationManager Allows access to a configuration in a model.
IConnectionPointFeatureData Allows access to a connection point feature.
ICoordinateSystemFeatureData Allows access to a coordinate system feature.
ICoreFeatureData Allows access to a core feature.
ICosmeticThreadFeatureData Allows access to a cosmetic thread feature.
ICosmeticWeldBeadFeatureData Allows access to a cosmetic weld bead feature.
ICosmeticWeldBeadFolder Allows access to the properties of cosmetic weld beads.
ICounterboreElementData Allows access to the data of a counterbore hole element in an Advanced Hole.
ICountersinkElementData Allows access to the data of a countersink hole element in an Advanced Hole.
ICrossBreakFeatureData Gets or sets cross break feature data.
ICThread Allows access to a cosmetic thread.
ICurve Allows access to a curve and its parameters in their native form or in terms of b-curve data.
ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData Allows access to a curve-driven pattern feature.
ICurveParamData Allows access to curve parameterization data.
ICustomBendAllowance Allows access to the custom bend allowance of a feature.
ICustomPropertyManager Allows access to the custom properties.
ICustomSymbol Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchBlockDefinition and ISketchBlockInstance.
ICutListSortOptions Allows access to cut list sorting options.
IDatumOrigin Allows access to datum origin annotations.
IDatumTag Allows access to display information for datum tags.
IDatumTargetSym Allows access to display information for datum target symbol annotations.

Allows access to the decals in models.

IDeleteBodyFeatureData Allows access to a Body-Delete/Keep feature.
IDeleteFaceFeatureData Allows access to a DeleteFace feature.
IDerivedPartFeatureData Allows access to a derived part feature.
IDerivedPatternFeatureData Allows access to a derived pattern feature.
IDesignTable Allows access to design table information and values.
IDetailCircle Allows access to a detail circle.
IDiagnoseResult Get the gaps and coedges in each gap on this body.
IDimension Allows you to get and set dimension values and tolerances.
IDimensionSensorData Allows access to a Measurement (dimension) sensor feature.
IDimensionTolerance Allows you to get and set dimension tolerances.
IDimPatternFeatureData Allows access to a variable pattern feature, which uses a table to store the dimensions and values of the pattern instances.
IDimXpertManager Allows you to get the DimXpert schema for a configuration.
IDisplayData Allows access to display information for certain items, including reference planes and reference axes shown in a drawing view.
IDisplayDimension Represents instances of dimensions displayed in partsassembliesdrawings and sensors.
IDisplayStateSetting Allows access to display state settings.
IDistanceMateFeatureData Allows access to a distance mate or a limit distance mate feature.
IDocumentSpecification Allows you to specify how to open a model document. Use this interface's properties before calling ISldWorks::OpenDoc7 to specify how you want to open a model document.
IDomeFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IDomeFeatureData2.
IDomeFeatureData2 Allows access to a dome feature.
IDowelSymbol Allows access to a dowel symbol.
IDraftFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IDraftFeatureData2.
IDraftFeatureData2 Allows access to a draft feature.
IDragArrowManipulator Allows access to drag arrows, which are called handles in the SOLIDWORKS user interface.
IDragOperator Allows access to settings for the Move Components command in the SOLIDWORKS user-interface.
IDrawingComponent Represents the referenced component in a drawing view.
IDrawingDoc Allows access to functions that perform drawing operations.
IDrSection Allows access to a section view in a drawing.
IEdge Allows access to its defining coedge, and adjacent faces, and its underlying curve and vertices as well as edge data.
IEdgeFlangeFeatureData Allows access to a sheet metal edge flange feature.
IEdgePoint Allows access to a midpoint on an edge or an endpoint or midpoint on a reference curve.
IEndCapFeatureData Allows access to an end-cap feature.
IEntity Allows access to an attribute instance that is stored on an entity.
IEnumBodies Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumBodies2.
IEnumBodies2 Allows access to bodies enumeration.
IEnumCoEdges Allows access to a coedges enumeration.
IEnumComponents Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumComponents2.
IEnumComponents2 Allows access to a components enumeration.
IEnumDisplayDimensions Allows access to a display dimensions enumeration.
IEnumDocuments Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumDocuments2.
IEnumDocuments2 Allows access to a documents enumeration.
IEnumDrSections Allows access to a section views enumeration.
IEnumEdges Allows access to an edges enumeration.
IEnumFaces Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumFaces2.
IEnumFaces2 Allows access to a faces enumeration.
IEnumLoops Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumLoops2.
IEnumLoops2 Allows access to a loops enumeration.
IEnumModelViews Allows access to a model views enumeration.
IEnumSketchHatches Allows access to a sketch hatches enumeration.
IEnumSketchPoints Allows access to a sketch points enumeration.
IEnumSketchSegments Allows access to the sketch segments enumeration.
IEnvironment Allows you to analyze the text and geometry used to create a geometric tolerance symbol.
IEquationMgr Maintains a list of all of the existing equations in a model.
IExplodeStep Allows access to an explode step in the explode view of the active assembly configuration.

Allows access to the PDF export data interface, which allows you to save: 

  • one or more drawing sheets to PDF.
  • parts and assemblies to 3D PDF.
IExtrudeFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IExtrudeFeatureData2.
IExtrudeFeatureData2 Allows access to an extrusion feature.
IFace Obsolete. Superseded by IFace2.
IFace2 Allows access to the underlying edge, loop, and surface to the owning body or feature, and to face tessellation, trim data.
IFaceDecalProperties Allow access to the properties of decals applied to faces in models.
IFaceHatch Represents a cross-hatch, which is automatically added by SOLIDWORKS when you create a section view, aligned section view, break view, or detail view.
IFaultEntity Identifies entities with faults and types of faults.
IFeatMgrView Allows access to a view (tab) in the FeatureManager design tree.
IFeature Allows access to the feature type, name, parameter data, and the next feature in the FeatureManager design tree.
IFeatureFolder Allows access to the contents of feature folders in the FeatureManager design tree.
IFeatureManager Allows you to create features.
IFeatureStatistics Allows access to the feature statistics in a part document.
IFillPatternFeatureData Allows access to a fill pattern feature.
IFillSurfaceFeatureData Allows access to a fill-surface feature.
IFlatPatternFeatureData Allows access to a Flat-Pattern feature.
IFlatPatternFolder Allows access to the flat-pattern folder in the FeatureManager design tree.
IFlyoutGroup Allows access to a flyout menu.
IFoldsFeatureData Allows access to a fold feature.
IFrame Allows access to SOLIDWORKS frames, including model windows, menus, and toolbars.
IFreePointCurveFeatureData Allows access to a curve created using X, Y, Z coordinates for the points.
IGearMateFeatureData Allows access to gear mate features.
IGeneralTableAnnotation Allows access to the general table annotation.
IGeneralTableFeature Allows access to the general table feature.
IGeneralToleranceTableAnnotation Allows access to the general tolerance table annotation.
IGeneralToleranceTableFeature Allows access to the general tolerance table feature.
IGroundPlaneFeatureData Allows access to a ground plane feature.
IGtol Allows you to get and set geometric tolerance (GTol) parameters.
IGussetFeatureData Allows access to a weldment gusset feature.
IHealEdgesFeatureData Allows access to a heal edges feature.
IHelixFeatureData Allows access to a helix feature.
IHemFeatureData Allows access to a hem feature.
IHingeMateFeatureData Allows access to a hinge mate feature.
IHoleDataTable Allows access to Hole Wizard fastener tables.
IHoleSeriesFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IHoleSeriesFeatureData2.
IHoleSeriesFeatureData2 Allows access to the data that defines a hole series feature.
IHoleStandardsData Allows access to Hole Wizard standards data.
IHoleTable Allows access to a hole table feature in a drawing document.
IHoleTableAnnotation Accesses the hole table annotation.
IImport3DInterconnectData Allows access to 3D Interconnect feature data.
IImportDxfDwgData Allows you to specify values when importing or inserting DXF/DWG data.
IImportedCurveFeatureData Allows access to an imported curve feature.
IImportIgesData Allows you to specify levels and values when importing IGES data.
IImportStepData Allows you to specify values when importing STEP data.
IIndentFeatureData Allows access to an indent feature.
IInstanceToVaryOptions Allows access to options for varying the dimensions and locations of instances in patterns for parts.
IInterference Allows access to the components that interfere when interference detection is calculated.
IInterferenceDetectionMgr Allows you to run interference detection on an assembly to determine whether components interfere with each other.
IIntersectFeatureData Allows access to an intersect feature.
IJogFeatureData Allows access to a jog feature.
IJoinFeatureData Allows access to a join feature.
ILayer Allows access to the properties and items on a layer, including the color, width, name, etc., used to define the layer.
ILayerMgr Allows you to manage a drawing document's layers.
ILibraryFeatureData Allows access to library feature data.
ILight Allows access to the light feature.
ILightDialog Obtained from a LightingDialogCreateNotify event.
ILinearCouplerMateFeatureData Allows access to linear/linear coupler mate feature data.
ILinearPatternFeatureData Allows access to a linear pattern feature.
ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData Allows access to a circular component pattern feature in an assembly.
ILocalCurvePatternFeatureData Allows access to a curve-driven component pattern feature in an assembly.
ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData Allows access to a linear component pattern feature in an assembly.
ILocalSketchPatternFeatureData Allows access to a sketch-driven component pattern feature in an assembly.
ILockMateFeatureData Allows access to lock mate features.
ILoftedBendsFeatureData Allows access to display information for a lofted bends feature.
ILoftFeatureData Allows access to a loft feature.
ILoop Obsolete. Superseded by ILoop2.
ILoop2 Allows access to the owning face and to the list of edges and coedges contained in the loop.
IMacroFeatureData Allows access to the data that defines a macro feature.
IMagneticLine Allows access to a magnetic line.
IManipulator Allows access to a manipulator, which is similar to the triad or the drag arrow (also called a handle), in a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly document.
IMassProperty Obsolete. Superseded by IMassProperty2.
IMassProperty2 Allows access to individual mass properties as found in the Mass Properties dialog box.
IMassPropertyOverrideOptions Allows access to mass property override options.
IMate Obsolete. Superseded by IMate2.
IMate2 Allows access to various assembly mate parameters.
IMateEntity Obsolete. Superseded by IMateEntity2.
IMateEntity2 Allows access to mated entities and the assembly mate definition.
IMateFeatureData Allows access to mate feature data.
IMateInPlace Allows access to an Inplace (coincident) mate, which is created when you insert a component in the context of an assembly.
IMateLoadReference Allows access to mate load references.
IMateReference Allows access to a mate reference, which specifies one or more entities of a component to use for automatic mating.
IMaterialVisualPropertiesData Allows access to a material on a part.
IMathPoint Provides a simplified interface for manipulating math-point objects' data and ways to create other math objects.
IMathTransform Provides a simplified interface for manipulating transformation matrix data.
IMathUtility Provides access to the SOLIDWORKS math objects. These objects can simplify commonly used math calculations used with many API functions.
IMathVector Provides a simplified interface for manipulating math vectors.
IMBD3DPdfData Gains access to the details for publishing a SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF.

Allows access to the measure tool.

IMidSurface Obsolete. Superseded by IMidSurface3.
IMidSurface2 Obsolete. Superseded by IMidSurface3.
IMidSurface3 Allows access to a midsurface feature.
IMirrorComponentFeatureData Allows access to a mirror component feature.
IMirrorPartFeatureData Allows access to a mirror part feature.
IMirrorPatternFeatureData Allows access to a mirror pattern feature.
IMirrorSolidFeatureData Allows access to a mirror solid feature.
IMiterFlangeFeatureData Allows access to a miter flange feature.
IModelDoc Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2.
IModelDoc2 Allows access to SOLIDWORKS documents: parts, assemblies, and drawings.
IModelDocExtension Allows access to the model.
IModeler Provides an interface to temporary body objects.
IModelView Allows you access to the model view's orientation, translation, and the Microsoft handle to the window.
IModelViewManager Allows access to the model view.
IModelWindow Allows access to SOLIDWORKS model windows.
IMotionPlotAxisFeatureData Allows access to a plot's x- and y-axis feature data.
IMotionPlotFeatureData Allows access to a plot's feature data.
IMouse Allows access to the mouse in a model view.
IMoveCopyBodyFeatureData Allows access to a move/copy body feature.
IMoveFaceFeatureData Allows access to Move Face features.
IMultiJogLeader Allows access to display information for multi-jog leaders.
INote Allows you to get standard note information.
IOneBendFeatureData Allows access to a bend feature (sharp bend, round bend, or flat bend).
IPackAndGo Allows access to Pack and Go.
IPageSetup Allows access to a number of properties related to printer and page setup, including page header and footer information.
IParagraphs Allows access to paragraphs in note annotations.
IParallelMateFeatureData Allows access to a parallel mate feature.
IParameter Allows you to get and set values in an attribute.
IPartDoc Provides access to functions that perform operations on parts in part documents.
IPartExplodeStep Allows access to the explode step of an explode view of a multibody part.
IPartialEdgeFilletData Allows access to partial fillet/chamfer properties.
IPartingLineFeatureData Allows access to a parting line feature.
IPartingSurfaceFeatureData Allows access to a parting surface feature.
IPerpendicularMateFeatureData Allows access to a perpendicular mate feature.
IPlaneManipulator Allows access to a plane that has a manipulator.
IPLMObjectSpecification Allows access to a SOLIDWORKS Connected document specification.
IPMIDatumData Allows access to the Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) for a datum annotation in a STEP 242 model.
IPMIDatumFeature Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) datum feature.
IPMIDatumTarget Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) datum target.
IPMIDimensionData Allows access to the Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) for a dimension annotation in a STEP 242 model.
IPMIDimensionItem Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) dimension item.
IPMIFrameData Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Gtol frame.
IPMIGtolBoxData Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Gtol tolerance box.
IPMIGtolData Allows access to the Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) for a Gtol annotation in a STEP 242 model.
IPMIGtolFrameDatum Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Gtol datum box.
IPrint3DDialog Allows access to the Print 3D dialog.
IPrintSpecification Allows access to a document's printing specification.
IProfileCenterMateFeatureData Allows access to profile center mate feature data.
IProjectionArrow Allows access to a projection arrow.
IProjectionCurveFeatureData Allows access to a projection curve feature.
IPropertyManagerPage Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2.
IPropertyManagerPage2 Provides add-in applications the ability to display and use views that have the look and feel of SOLIDWORKS PropertyManager pages.
IPropertyManagerPageActiveX Allows you to access a PropertyManager page ActiveX control.
IPropertyManagerPageBitmap Allows you to access a PropertyManager page bitmap.
IPropertyManagerPageBitmapButton Allows you to access a PropertyManager page bitmap button control.
IPropertyManagerPageButton Allows you to access a PropertyManager page button control.
IPropertyManagerPageCheckbox Allows you to access a PropertyManager page check box.
IPropertyManagerPageCombobox Allows you to access a PropertyManager page combo box control.
IPropertyManagerPageControl Provides a set of methods and properties common to all PropertyManager page controls.
IPropertyManagerPageGroup Allows you to access a PropertyManager page group control.
IPropertyManagerPageLabel Allows you to access a PropertyManager page label control.
IPropertyManagerPageListbox Allows you to access a PropertyManager page list box control.
IPropertyManagerPageNumberbox Allows you to access a PropertyManager page number box control.
IPropertyManagerPageOption Allows you to access to a PropertyManager page radio button control.
IPropertyManagerPageSelectionbox Allows you to access a PropertyManager page selection box control.
IPropertyManagerPageSlider Allows you to access a PropertyManager page slider control.
IPropertyManagerPageTab Allows you to access a PropertyManager page tab control.
IPropertyManagerPageTextbox Allows you to access a PropertyManager page text box control.
IPropertyManagerPageWindowFromHandle Allows you to access a PropertyManager page .NET control.
IPunchTable Allows access to punch table information and values.
IPunchTableAnnotation Allows access to a punch table annotation.
IRackPinionMateFeatureData Allows access to a rack and pinion mate feature.
IRayTraceRenderer Allows access to ray-trace rendering engines, such as PhotoView 360.
IRayTraceRendererOptions Allows access to a ray-trace rendering engine's options.
IRefAxis Allows access to reference axis definitions.
IRefAxisFeatureData Allows access to reference axis feature data.
IReferenceCurve Allows access to reference curves.
IReferencePointCurveFeatureData Allows access to reference-point curve feature data.
IRefPlane Allows access to reference plane definitions.
IRefPlaneFeatureData Allows access to reference plane feature data.
IRefPoint Allows access to reference points.
IRefPointFeatureData Allows access to reference point feature data.
IRenamedDocumentReferences Allows you to update references to a renamed file in unopened documents.

Use to apply appearances to models.

NOTE: In SOLIDWORKS 2008 and later, materials are called appearances. RealView Graphics must be enabled to see any applied appearances.

IReplaceFaceFeatureData Allows access to Replace Face feature data.
IRevisionCloud Allows access to a revision cloud annotation.
IRevisionTableAnnotation Accesses the revision table annotation.
IRevisionTableFeature Allows access to the revision table feature.
IRevolveFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IRevolveFeatureData2.
IRevolveFeatureData2 Allows access to a revolve feature.
IRibFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IRibFeatureData2.
IRibFeatureData2 Allows access to a rib feature.
IRipFeatureData Allows access to a rip feature.
IRoutingSettings Allows access to various routing settings including those specified in Tools > Options > System Options > Routing.
IRuledSurfaceFeatureData Allows access to a ruled-surface feature.

Access the ISafeArrayUtility interface, which can:

  • get an unpacked array of native SOLIDWORKS Dispatch-based objects of the same data type and return a packed Variant SafeArray to use in methods that requires passing a packed Variant SafeArray.  
  • get a packed Variant SafeArray and return an unpacked array of native SOLIDWORKS Dispatch-based objects of the same data type. 
  • get a Variant SafeArray and return the number of SafeArray objects in the Variant SafeArray and their data type. 
  • get and put a value in a Variant SafeArray of the same data type.
ISaveBodyFeatureData Allows access to a Save Bodies feature.
ISaveTo3DExperienceOptions Allows access to options for saving a document in SOLIDWORKS Connected.
IScaleFeatureData Allows access to a scale feature.
IScrewMateFeatureData Allows access to a screw mate feature.
ISectionViewData Allows you to create and access section views in parts and assemblies.
ISelectData Allows you to select objects.
ISelectionMgr Allows you to get information about selected objects, obtain API objects representing the selected item, and  get your selection coordinates interpreted in model or sketch space.
ISelectionSet Allows access to a selection set.
ISelectionSetFolder Allows access to the Selection Sets folder.
ISelectionSetItem Allows access to a selection set item.
ISensor Allows access to a sensor, which can monitor selected properties of parts and assemblies and alert you when the sensor's values deviate from the specified limits.
ISFSymbol Allows access to display information for surface finish symbols.
ISheet Allows access to a sheet and objects on the sheet such as BOM tables.
ISheetMetalFeatureData Allows access to a sheet metal feature.
ISheetMetalFolder Allows access to a sheet metal folder feature in the FeatureManager design tree.
ISheetMetalGaugeTableParameters Allows access to sheet metal gauge table parameters.
IShellFeatureData Allows access to a shell feature.
IShutOffSurfaceFeatureData Allows access to a shut-off surface feature.
ISilhouetteEdge Allows you to access silhouette edges in drawing documents.
ISimpleFilletFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by ISimpleFilletFeatureData2.
ISimpleFilletFeatureData2 Allows access to a simple fillet feature.
ISimpleHoleFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by ISimpleHoleFeatureData2.
ISimpleHoleFeatureData2 Allows access to a simple hole feature.

This interface is:

  • obsolete and has not been superseded.

  • nonfunctional in SOLIDWORKS 2008 and later.

Use the interfaces related to motion studies introduced in SOLIDWORKS 2008 to access animation and simulation.

ISimulation3DContactFeatureData Allows access to a 3D Contact feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies.
ISimulationDamperFeatureData Allows access to a damper feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies.
ISimulationForceFeatureData Allows access to a force or torque feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies.
ISimulationGravityFeatureData Allows access to a gravity feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies.
ISimulationLinearSpringFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by ISimulationSpringFeatureData.
ISimulationMotorFeatureData Allows access to the data that defines linear or rotary motors in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies.
ISimulationSpringFeatureData Allows access to the data that defines a simulation spring feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies.
ISketch Allows access to sketch entities and to extract information about sketch elements, the sketch orientation, and so on.
ISketchArc Provides access to properties and methods for sketched arc entities.
ISketchBlockDefinition Allows access to information about a block definition.
ISketchBlockInstance Allows access to block instances.
ISketchContour Provides access to sketch contours.
ISketchedBendFeatureData Allows access to a sketched bend feature.
ISketchEllipse Provides access to sketched ellipse entities.
ISketchHatch Represents an area hatch, which is inserted into a SOLIDWORKS drawing polygon or component face when you click Insert > Annotations > Area Hatch/Fill in a SOLIDWORKS drawing.
ISketchLine Provides access to sketched line entities.
ISketchManager Provides access to sketch-creation routines.
ISketchParabola Provides access to sketched parabolas.
ISketchPath Provides access to the methods and properties for paths in sketches.
ISketchPatternFeatureData Allows access to a sketch-driven pattern feature in a part.
ISketchPicture Provides access to pictures on sketches (i.e., .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, and .wmf).
ISketchPoint Provides access to sketch point entities.
ISketchRegion Provides access to sketch regions.
ISketchRelation Provides access to the entities for a sketch relation.
ISketchRelationManager Provides access to all sketch relations.
ISketchSegment Provides access to functions that are common among sketch entities.
ISketchSlot Accesses a sketch slot.
ISketchSpline Provides access to sketched spline entities.
ISketchText Provides access to sketched text entities.
ISldWorks Provides direct and indirect access to all other interfaces exposed in the SOLIDWORKS API.
ISlicingData Allows access to slicing tool data.
ISlotMateFeatureData Allows access to a slot mate feature.
ISmartComponentFeatureData Allows access to a Smart Component.
ISMGussetFeatureData Allows access to a sheet metal gusset feature.
ISMNormalCutFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by ISMNormalCutFeatureData2.
ISMNormalCutFeatureData2 Allows access to a sheet metal normal cut feature.
ISMNormalCutGroupData Allows access to a sheet metal normal cut feature's cut-extrude face group.
ISnapShot Allows access to the snapshot of the graphics area of an assembly opened in Large Design Review mode.
ISplineHandle Provides access to spline handles.
ISplineParamData Allows access to the parameterization data of a spline.
ISplitBodyFeatureData Allows access to a Split feature.
ISplitLineFeatureData Allows access to a split line feature.
ISpring Allows access to the geometry of a spring.
IStackedBalloonOptions Allows access to stacked balloon options.
IStatusBarPane Controls user-created status bar panes in the lower-right corner of the SOLIDWORKS status bar.
IStraightElementData Allows access to the data of a simple hole element in an Advanced Hole.
IStraightTapElementData Allows access to the data of a straight tap hole element in an Advanced Hole.
IStructuralMemberFeatureData Allows access to a structural member.
IStructuralMemberGroup Allows access to a weldment structural-member group.
ISurface Used as the underlying definition of a face.
ISurfaceCutFeatureData Allows access to a surface-cut feature.
ISurfaceExtendFeatureData Allows access to a surface-extend feature.
ISurfaceFlattenFeatureData Allows access to a surface-flatten feature.
ISurfaceKnitFeatureData Allows access to a Surface-Knit feature.
ISurfaceOffsetFeatureData Allows access to a surface offset feature.
ISurfaceParameterizationData Allows access to the parameterization data of a surface.
ISurfacePlanarFeatureData Allows access to a planar surface feature.
ISurfaceRadiateFeatureData Allows access to a surface radiate feature.
ISurfaceTrimFeatureData Allows access to a surface trim feature.
ISurfExtrudeFeatureData Allows access to an extruded surface feature.
ISurfRevolveFeatureData Allows access to a surface revolve feature.
ISweepFeatureData Allows access to a sweep feature.
ISweptFlangeFeatureData Allows access to a sheet metal swept flange feature.
ISwOLEObject Allows access to an OLE object.
ISwPEClassFactory Allows access to the callback object used by ISwPEManager to send a license key back to SOLIDWORKS for SOLIDWORKS Partner entitlement verification.
ISwPEToken  *For future use*
ISWPropertySheet Allows applications to add pages to certain property sheets that are exported by the SOLIDWORKS application.
ISwScene Allows access to the scene of a model.
ISymmetricMateFeatureData Allows access to symmetry mate feature data.
ITabAndSlotFeatureData Allows access to a tab and slot feature.
ITabAndSlotGroupData Allows access to a tab and slot feature group.
ITableAnchor Allows access to the data that defines a table anchor feature.
ITableAnnotation Provides access to table annotations.
ITablePatternFeatureData Allows access to a table-driven pattern feature.
ITangentMateFeatureData Allows access to a tangent mate feature.
ITaperedTapElementData Allows access to the data of a tapered tap hole element in an Advanced Hole.
ITaskpaneView Provides access to an application-level Task Pane.
ITessellation Used to gather tessellation information from a SOLIDWORKS body.
ITextAndCustomProperty Gains access to the text and custom properties in a theme of a SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF.
ITextFormat Allows access to and control of the formatting of text used in annotations.
ITexture Use to apply 2D textures to part and assembly documents for a more realistic finish.
IThickenFeatureData Allows access to a thicken feature.
IThreadFeatureData Allows access to a thread feature.
ITitleBlock Allows access to the title block in this sheet.
ITitleBlockTableAnnotation Provides access to title block table annotations.
ITitleBlockTableFeature Provides access to title block table features.
IToolingSplitFeatureData Allows access to a tooling-split feature.
ITreeControlItem Allows you to traverse items in the FeatureManager design tree exactly as they appear in the FeatureManager design tree.

Allows access to triad manipulators, which are:

  • Similar to the SOLIDWORKS triad.
  • Used to move and rotate assembly components, move/copy bodies, and so on.
IUniversalJointMateFeatureData Allows access to a universal joint mate feature.
IUserProgressBar Allows access to a progress indicator that indicates how much longer a SOLIDWORKS operation will take.
IUserUnit Allows you to manage units.
IVariableFilletFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IVariableFilletFeatureData2.
IVariableFilletFeatureData2 Allows access to a variable radius fillet feature.
IVertex Represents the start or end of an edge.
IView Represents drawing views found in a drawing document.
IView3D Allows access to a 3D View of a part or assembly.
IWeldBead Allows access to weld bead annotations.
IWeldmentBeadFeatureData Allows access to a weldment bead feature.
IWeldmentCutListAnnotation Allows access to the annotations in a weldment cut list table.
IWeldmentCutListFeature Allows access to a weldment cut list feature.
IWeldmentTrimExtendFeatureData Allows access to the data that defines a weldment trim extend feature.
IWeldSymbol Allows access to weld symbols.
IWidthMateFeatureData Allows access to width mate feature data.
IWizardHoleFeatureData Obsolete. Superseded by IWizardHoleFeatureData2.
IWizardHoleFeatureData2 Allows access to Hole Wizard hole or slot feature data.
IWrapSketchFeatureData Allows access to a wrap feature.



Pre-notifies the user program when the user is about to switch to a different configuration.

DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangePostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user has switched to a different configuration.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePostNotifyEventHandler Fired after the display state of a configuration is changed or after a configuration is changed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePreNotifyEventHandler Fired before the display state of a configuration is changed or before a configuration is changed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveViewChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when the active view changes.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user adds a custom property.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddItemNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user when a component is added to the FeatureManager design tree.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddMatePostNotify2EventHandler Fired after one or more mates are created in an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddMatePostNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_AddMatePostNotify2EventHandler.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AssemblyElectricalDataUpdateNotifyEventHandler Fired when the SOLIDWORKS software updates the electrical data.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AutoSaveNotifyEventHandler Fired when the assembly document is automatically saved.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when the assembly document is automatically saved to third-party IStream storage.
DAssemblyDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when the assembly document is automatically saved to third-party IStorage storage.
DAssemblyDocEvents_BeginInContextEditNotifyEventHandler Notifies the application that the user is starting to edit an assembly component within the context of the assembly (inside the assembly document window).
DAssemblyDocEvents_BodyVisibleChangeNotifyEventHandler Notifies the application that the visible state of a body within this assembly has changed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ChangeCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user has changed a custom property.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ClearSelectionsNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when selections are cleared using Clear Selections.
DAssemblyDocEvents_CloseDesignTableNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies your application that a design table that was being edited is about to be closed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_CommandManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies you that a SOLIDWORKS CommandManager tab is about to be activated.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentConfigurationChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when a reference component's configuration is being changed in an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentDisplayModeChangePostNotifyEventHandler Fired after a reference component's display mode is changed in an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentDisplayModeChangePreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a reference component's display mode is changed in an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentDisplayStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when the display state, such as shaded, wireframe, and so on, of a component is changed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentMoveNotify2EventHandler Post-notification that is sent when a user releases the mouse button indicating that the components have been moved to the desired destination.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentMoveNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentMoveNotifyEventHandler2.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentReferredDisplayStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when a component's referenced display state changes.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentReorganizeNotifyEventHandler Fired when one or more components are reorganized in an assembly or sub-assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify2EventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify3EventHandler.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify3EventHandler Fired whenever the state of a component within this assembly changes.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify2EventHandler.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentVisibleChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when a component is changed to hidden or shown.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentVisualPropertiesChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when a visual property, such as color, transparency, and so on, of a component is changed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ConfigurationChangeNotifyEventHandler Gets information about an object or feature that has had one of its configurable parameters changed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user deletes a custom property.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteItemNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when an item is deleted from one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree).
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteItemPreNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when an item is about to be deleted from one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree).
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when the selection is deleted.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when an assembly document is about to be destroyed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DimensionChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when a dimension is changed through the Dimension dialog.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DragStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when starting or stopping the dragging of an Instant3D manipulator.
DAssemblyDocEvents_DynamicHighlightNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the application when dynamic highlighting of the selected object changes from on to off, and vice versa.
DAssemblyDocEvents_EndInContextEditNotifyEventHandler Notifies the application that the user is done editing an assembly component within the context of the assembly (inside the assembly document window).

Notifies your application that the equation editor is being destroyed.

DAssemblyDocEvents_EquationEditorPreNotifyEventHandler Notifies your application that the equation editor has been constructed.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureEditPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a selected feature.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureManagerFilterStringChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when text is typed in the FeatureManager design tree filter or IModelDocExtension::FeatureManagerFilterString is called.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureManagerTabActivatedNotifyEventHandler Fired when the active tab in the Manager Pane changes.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before the active tab in the Manager Pane changes.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureManagerTreeRebuildNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the active document's FeatureManager design tree is being rebuilt.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureSketchEditPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a sketch.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileDropNotifyEventHandler Fired when a part is dropped from File Explorer into an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileDropPostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies user applications when a part is dropped from File Explorer into an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileDropPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies user applications before a part is dropped from File Explorer into an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileReloadCancelNotifyEventHandler Fired if the IAssembly event FileReloadNotify is canceled.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileReloadNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when an assembly document is reloaded.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileReloadPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when an assembly document is reloaded.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved with a new name and passes the new document name. This event is sent before SOLIDWORKS displays the File Save dialog.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved and passes the current document name.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSavePostCancelNotifyEventHandler Fired if FileSavePostNotify is not fired.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a file is saved in SOLIDWORKS.
DAssemblyDocEvents_FlipLoopNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a loop flips.
DAssemblyDocEvents_InsertTableNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a table has been inserted in an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_InterferenceNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program about an interference between parts in the assembly during the Move/Rotate Component command.
DAssemblyDocEvents_LightingDialogCreateNotifyEventHandler Fired when a lighting dialog has been opened by the user.
DAssemblyDocEvents_LoadFromStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStream storage.
DAssemblyDocEvents_LoadFromStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStorage storage.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ModifyNotifyEventHandler Fired when a document is marked dirty for the first time.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ModifyTableNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a table has been modified in an assembly.
DAssemblyDocEvents_NewSelectionNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the selection list has changed.

Post-notifies your application that a design table has been opened for editing.

DAssemblyDocEvents_PreRenameItemNotifyEventHandler Fired when a component document in an assembly is about to be renamed.

Generated when a body is cut into multiple bodies.

DAssemblyDocEvents_PublishTo3DPDFNotifyEventHandler Fired when publishing an assembly document to SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF.
DAssemblyDocEvents_RedoPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after a Redo operation occurs in an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_RedoPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a Redo operation occurs in an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_RegenNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when an assembly document is about to be rebuilt.

Post-notifies the user program when an assembly document is rebuilt.

DAssemblyDocEvents_RegenPostNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents RegenPostNotify2EventHandler.
DAssemblyDocEvents_RenamedDocumentNotifyEventHandler Fired when saving an assembly document in which a renamed component file is referenced by other assembly documents.
DAssemblyDocEvents_RenameDisplayTitleNotifyEventHandler Fired when the display title changes for an item in the FeatureManager design tree.
DAssemblyDocEvents_RenameItemNotifyEventHandler Fired when an item is renamed in one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree.
DAssemblyDocEvents_SaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStream storage.
DAssemblyDocEvents_SaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStorage storage.

Post-notifies the user program when assembly components are selected for Quick View/Selective Open.

DAssemblyDocEvents_SensorAlertPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a sensor's value deviates from its limits in an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_SketchSolveNotifyEventHandler Fired whenever the sketch is solved; for example, when dragging a sketch entity, adding or editing relations, changing dimensions, and so on.
DAssemblyDocEvents_SuppressionStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when the suppression state of a feature changes.
DAssemblyDocEvents_UndoPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after an Undo operation occurs in an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_UndoPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before an Undo operation occurs in an assembly document.

Fired when the document units change.

DAssemblyDocEvents_UserSelectionPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after an entity is selected in an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_UserSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler Fired when an interactive user moves the cursor over or clicks a model view in an assembly document.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a new view model window has been created.
DAssemblyDocEvents_ViewNewNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler.

Notifies the user program after activating the drawing sheet.


Notifies the user program before activating the drawing sheet.


Pre-notifies the user program when the user is about to switch to a different configuration.


Post-notifies the user program when the user has switched to a different configuration.


Post-notifies the user program when the user has added a custom property.


Notifies the user program when an item is added to one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures (for example, FeatureManager design tree, ConfigurationManager tree, and so on).

DDrawingDocEvents_AutoSaveNotifyEventHandler Fired when the drawing document is automatically saved.
DDrawingDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when the drawing document is automatically saved to third-party IStream storage.
DDrawingDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when the drawing document is automatically saved to third-party IStorage storage.

Post-notifies the user program when the user has changed a custom property.


Notifies the user program when selections are cleared using Clear Selections.

DDrawingDocEvents_CommandManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies you that a SOLIDWORKS CommandManager tab is about to be activated.

Post-notifies the user program when the user deletes a custom property.


Notifies the user program when an item is deleted from one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree).


Notifies the user program when an item is about to be deleted from one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree).


Pre-notifies the user program when the selection is deleted.

DDrawingDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when a drawing document is about to be destroyed.
DDrawingDocEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DDrawingDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler.

Fired when a dimension is changed through the Dimension dialog.


Post-notifies the application when dynamic highlighting of the selected object changes from on to off, and vice versa.


Notifies your application that the equation editor is being destroyed.

DDrawingDocEvents_EquationEditorPreNotifyEventHandler Notifies your application that an the equation editor has been constructed.
DDrawingDocEvents_FeatureManagerTabActivatedNotifyEventHandler Fired when the active tab in the Manager Pane changes.
DDrawingDocEvents_FeatureManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before the active tab in the Manager Pane changes.

Post-notifies the user program when the active document's FeatureManager design tree is being rebuilt.


Pre-notifies the user application when a drawing document is reloaded.


Sends pre-notification before displaying the File, Save dialog.

DDrawingDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DDrawingDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler.

Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved and passes the current document name.


Fired if FileSavePostNotify is not fired.

DDrawingDocEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a drawing is saved in SOLIDWORKS.
DDrawingDocEvents_InsertTableNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a table has been inserted in a drawing.
DDrawingDocEvents_LoadFromStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStream storage.
DDrawingDocEvents_LoadFromStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStorage storage.

Fired when a document is marked as dirty for the first time.

DDrawingDocEvents_ModifyTableNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a table has been modified in a drawing.

Post-notifies the user program when the selection list has changed.

DDrawingDocEvents_RedoPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after a Redo operation occurs in a drawing document.
DDrawingDocEvents_RedoPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a Redo operation occurs in a drawing document.

Pre-notifies the user program when a drawing document is about to be regenerated.


Post-notifies the user program when a drawing document has been regenerated.


Notifies the user program when the display title changes for an item in the FeatureManager design tree.


Notifies the user program when an item is renamed in one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures (for example, such as the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree).


Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStream storage.


Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStorage storage.


Fired whenever the sketch is solved; for example, when dragging a sketch entity, adding or editing relations, changing dimensions, and so on. This event returns the name of the sketch feature being updated.

DDrawingDocEvents_UndoPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after an Undo action occurs in a drawing document.
DDrawingDocEvents_UndoPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before an Undo action occurs in a drawing document.
DDrawingDocEvents_UnitsChangeNotifyEventHandler Raised when document units change.
DDrawingDocEvents_UserSelectionPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after an entity is selected in a drawing document.
DDrawingDocEvents_UserSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler Fired when an interactive user moves the cursor over or clicks a drawing view in a drawing document.

Pre-notifies the user application when a drawing view is about to be created.


Post-notifies the user program when a new view window is created.

DDrawingDocEvents_ViewNewNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DDrawingDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler.

Post-notifies the user program once a FeatureManager design tree view is activated and returns the view handle.


Post-notifies the user program once a FeatureManager design tree view is deactivated and returns the view handle.


Pre-notifies the user program when a FeatureManager design tree view is about to be destroyed and returns the view handle.


Fired from the model view immediately before the buffers are swapped when rendering shaded graphics in OpenGL.


Pre-notifies the user program when a model view is about to be destroyed.

DModelViewEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DModelViewEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler.

Post-notifies the user program when a model view display mode is changed.


Pre-notifies the user program when a model view display mode is about to be changed.

DModelViewEvents_GraphicsRenderPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after all SOLIDWORKS graphics are drawn, including SOLIDWORKS model, sketch, dimension, and annotation graphics.
DModelViewEvents_PerspectiveViewNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the perspective view is changed (for example, if the user rotates the perspective view).
DModelViewEvents_PrintNotify2EventHandler Notifies the user program when a document is printed.
DModelViewEvents_PrintNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DModelViewEvents_PrintNotify2EventHandler.

Fired whenever SOLIDWORKS renders to Layer0.


Pre-notifies the user program when a view is about to be repainted and returns the paint type.


Post-notifies the user program when a view has been repainted.


Fired when a user:


  1. Clicks the right-mouse button when the pointer is over a selection box on a PropertyManager page.

  2. Selects Clear Selections on the short-cut menu.


Post-notifies the user program when a view is altered and returns the new transform matrix of the view.


Fired when the left-mouse button is double-clicked.


Fired when the left-mouse button is pressed down.


Fired when the left-mouse button is released after being pressed.


Fired when the middle-mouse button is double-clicked.


Fired when the middle-mouse button is pressed down.


Fired when the middle-mouse button is released after being pressed.

DMouseEvents_MouseMoveNotifyEventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer is moved.

Fired whenever a mouse event occurs.

DMouseEvents_MouseRBtnDblClkNotifyEventHandler Fired when the right-mouse button is double-clicked.

Fired when the right-mouse button is pressed down.


Fired when the right-mouse button is released after being pressed down.

DMouseEvents_MouseSelectNotifyEventHandler Fired when the user makes a selection in the model view using the mouse.
DPartDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangeNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when the user is about to switch to a different configuration.
DPartDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangePostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user has switched to a different configuration.
DPartDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePostNotifyEventHandler Fired after the display state of a configuration is changed or after a configuration is changed.
DPartDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePreNotifyEventHandler Fired before the display state of a configuration is changed or before a configuration is changed.
DPartDocEvents_ActiveViewChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when the active view changes.
DPartDocEvents_AddCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user has added a custom property.
DPartDocEvents_AddItemNotifyEventHandler Fired when an item is added to one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures such as the FeatureManager design tree and the ConfigurationManager.
DPartDocEvents_AutoSaveNotifyEventHandler Fired when the part document is automatically saved.
DPartDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when the part document is automatically saved to third-party IStream storage.
DPartDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when the part document is automatically saved to third-party IStorage storage.
DPartDocEvents_BodyVisibleChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired whenever the visible state of a body within this part changes.
DPartDocEvents_ChangeCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user has changed a custom property.
DPartDocEvents_ClearSelectionsNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when selections are cleared using Clear Selections.

Pre-notifies your application that a design table that was opened for editing is about to be closed.


Pre-notifies you that a SOLIDWORKS CommandManager tab is about to be activated.

DPartDocEvents_ConfigurationChangeNotifyEventHandler Gets information about an object or feature that has had one if its configurable parameters changed.
DPartDocEvents_ConvertToBodiesPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after the Convert to Bodies dialog closes.
DPartDocEvents_ConvertToBodiesPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before the Convert to Bodies dialog opens.
DPartDocEvents_DeleteCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the user has deleted a custom property.
DPartDocEvents_DeleteItemNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when an item is deleted from one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree and the ConfigurationManager.
DPartDocEvents_DeleteItemPreNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when an item is about to be deleted from one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree and the ConfigurationManager.
DPartDocEvents_DeleteSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user when the selection is deleted.
DPartDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when a part document is about to be destroyed.
DPartDocEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler.

Fired when a dimension is changed through the Dimension dialog.

DPartDocEvents_DragStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when starting or stopping the dragging of an Instant3D manipulator.

Post-notifies the application when dynamic highlighting of the selected object changes from on to off, and vice versa.


Notifies your application that the equation editor is being destroyed.

DPartDocEvents_EquationEditorPreNotifyEventHandler Notifies your application that an the equation editor has been constructed.
DPartDocEvents_FeatureEditPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a selected feature.
DPartDocEvents_FeatureManagerFilterStringChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when text is typed in the FeatureManager design tree filter or IModelDocExtension::FeatureManagerFilterString is called.
DPartDocEvents_FeatureManagerTabActivatedNotifyEventHandler Fired when the active tab changes in the Manager Pane.
DPartDocEvents_FeatureManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before the active tab in the Manager Pane changes.
DPartDocEvents_FeatureManagerTreeRebuildNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the active document's FeatureManager design tree is being rebuilt.
DPartDocEvents_FeatureSketchEditPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a sketch.

Post-notifies user applications when a part is dropped from File Explorer into a part document.

DPartDocEvents_FileDropPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies user applications before a part is dropped from File Explorer into a part document.
DPartDocEvents_FileReloadCancelNotifyEventHandler Fired if FileReloadNotify is canceled.
DPartDocEvents_FileReloadNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a part document is reloaded.
DPartDocEvents_FileReloadPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when an part document is reloaded
DPartDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler Sends pre-notification before displaying the File, Save dialog.
DPartDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler.
DPartDocEvents_FileSaveNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved and passes the current document name.

Fired if FileSavePostNotify is not fired.

DPartDocEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a part document is saved.
DPartDocEvents_FlipLoopNotifyEventHandler Fired when a loop is flipped.
DPartDocEvents_InsertTableNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a table has been inserted in a part.
DPartDocEvents_LightingDialogCreateNotifyEventHandler Fired when a lighting dialog has been opened by the user.
DPartDocEvents_LoadFromStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStream storage.
DPartDocEvents_LoadFromStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStorage storage.

Notifies the user program when a document is marked as dirty for the first time.

DPartDocEvents_ModifyTableNotifyEventHandler Notifies your program when a table has been modified in a part.
DPartDocEvents_NewSelectionNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when the selection list has changed.
DPartDocEvents_OpenDesignTableNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies your application that a design table has been opened for editing.
DPartDocEvents_PreRenameItemNotifyEventHandler Fired when a part document referenced by other documents is about to be renamed.
DPartDocEvents_PromptBodiesToKeepNotifyEventHandler Generated when a body is cut into multiple bodies.
DPartDocEvents_PublishTo3DPDFNotifyEventHandler Fired when publishing a part document to SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF.
DPartDocEvents_RedoPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after a Redo operation occurs in a part document.
DPartDocEvents_RedoPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a Redo operation occurs in a part document.
DPartDocEvents_RegenNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program when a part document is about to be rebuilt.
DPartDocEvents_RegenPostNotify2EventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a part document has been rebuilt or rolled back.
DPartDocEvents_RegenPostNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_RegenPostNotify2EventHandler.
DPartDocEvents_RenamedDocumentNotifyEventHandler Fired when saving a document in which a renamed part file is referenced by other documents.
DPartDocEvents_RenameDisplayTitleNotifyEventHandler Fired when the display title is changed for an item in the FeatureManager design tree.
DPartDocEvents_RenameItemNotifyEventHandler Fired when an item is renamed in one of the SOLIDWORKS tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager.
DPartDocEvents_SaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStream storage.

Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStorage storage.

DPartDocEvents_SensorAlertPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a sensor's value deviates from its limits in a part document.

Fired whenever the sketch is solved; for example, when dragging a sketch entity, adding or editing relations, changing dimensions, and so on. This event returns the name of the sketch feature being updated.

DPartDocEvents_SuppressionStateChangeNotifyEventHandler Fired when the suppression state of a feature changes.
DPartDocEvents_UndoPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after an Undo action occurs in a part document.
DPartDocEvents_UndoPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before an Undo operation occurs in a part document.

Generated when document units change.

DPartDocEvents_UserSelectionPostNotifyEventHandler Fired after an entity is selected in a part document.
DPartDocEvents_UserSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler Fired when an interactive user moves the cursor over or clicks a model view in a part document.
DPartDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a new model view window is created. For example, this event is sent for each new model view created by the window split bar.
DPartDocEvents_ViewNewNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler.

Post-notifies the user program when the weldment cut list in this part is updated.


Post-notifies the user program when the active window has changed. This change can be between windows of the same document or between windows of different documents.


Post-notifies the user program when the active IModelDoc2 object has changed.


Notifies the user program when background processing has ended.


Notifies the user program when background processing has started.

DSldWorksEvents_Begin3DInterconnectTranslationNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when the SOLIDWORKS application starts to import or export a third-party native CAD file.

Notifies the user program when a macro recording has started.

DSldWorksEvents_BeginTranslationNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when the SOLIDWORKS applications starts to import a file.
DSldWorksEvents_CommandCloseNotifyEventHandler Fired when a command, including a PropertyManager page, is okay'd or canceled by a user.
DSldWorksEvents_CommandOpenPreNotifyEventHandler Fired before a command, including a PropertyManager page, executes or opens.
DSldWorksEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler Sent to an MFC-based or a COM-based DLL add-in when SOLIDWORKS is about to be destroyed.

Post-notifies the user program that a file has been converted from an older version of SOLIDWORKS during the open operation.


Post-notifies the user program when a SOLIDWORKS document is loaded.


Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvetns_DocumentLoadNotify2EventHandler.

DSldWorksEvents_End3DInterconnectTranslationNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when the SOLIDWORKS application is finished importing or exporting a third-party native CAD file.

Notifies the user program when a macro recording has ended, including if the user cancels the recording (i.e., the user cancels out of the Save As dialog and says No to the SOLIDWORKS Continue recording? dialog).

DSldWorksEvents_EndTranslationNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when the SOLIDWORKS application is finished importing a file.
DSldWorksEvents_FileCloseNotifyEventHandler Notifies the user program when SOLIDWORKS is finished closing a file.

Post-notifies the user program when a new file is created.

DSldWorksEvents_FileNewNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvents_FileNewNotify2EventHandler.

Fired before a new document is created either using the SOLIDWORKS API or the SOLIDWORKS user-interface.


Post-notifies the user program when an existing file has been opened.

DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenNotifyEventHandler Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenNotify2EventHandler.
DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenPostNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when a file has been opened.
DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenPreNotifyEventHandler Pre-notifies the user program of a FileOpenNotify2 event.
DSldWorksEvents_InterfaceBrightnessThemeChangeNotifyEventHandler Notifies an add-in when the SOLIDWORKS background changes.

Fired when a lighting sheet has been created.

DSldWorksEvents_NonNativeFileOpenNotifyEventHandler Fired when non-native SOLIDWORKS files are opened.

Fired after all of the messages have been processed, included posted repaints; therefore, eliminating the need to call IModelDoc2::GraphicsRedraw2.


Fired when a dependent document is missing from the file being opened.


Fired when any dependent documents are missing from the file being opened.


Notifies the user program when an exported ISWPropertySheet is created so that the application can add pages to it.


Notifies the user program before SOLIDWORKS opens the specified file with the specified status.


Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvents_ReferencedFilePreNotify2EventHandler.


Notifies the user program before the SOLIDWORKS software displays a dialog box prompting the end-user to browse for the referenced file.

DSWPropertySheetEvents_CreateControlNotifyEventHandler Fired when the ActiveX control is created on the property page.

Fired when the property sheet is in the process of being destroyed.

DSWPropertySheetEvents_HelpNotifyEventHandler Fired when the Help button is clicked on a property sheet.

Fired when the Cancel button on the property sheet is clicked. Your add-in can perform clean-up activities in this event.


Fired when the OK button on the property sheet is clicked.

DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneActivateNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when an application-level Task Pane view is activated.
DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneDeactivateNotifyEventHandler Post-notifies the user program when an application-level Task Pane view is deactivated.

Pre-notifies the user program when an application-level Task Pane view is about to be destroyed.

DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneToolbarButtonClickedEventHandler Fired when a toolbar button on the Task Pane is clicked.

See Also

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