Working with EntityGroups
You can combine drawing entities into EntityGroups.
Grouping entities lets you manipulate all entities within the group in a single operation (moving, rotating, mirroring, or scaling, for example). However, you can still edit individual entities in a EntityGroup (intersecting or stretching, for example) by changing the EntityGroup display mode.
You can add or remove entities from an EntityGroup any time.
Entities can be members of more than one EntityGroup. EntityGroups can be contained in other EntityGroups.
The differences between Blocks and EntityGroups are:
- A Block has its own insertion point. An EntityGroup has none.
- A Block can occur multiple times in the drawing. If a Block is redefined, all of its occurrences update. EntityGroups do not behave the same way.
- You can copy groups. An EntityGroup that originates from another EntityGroup that has been copied is a separate union of entities. Each Block has a unique name, but not its references.
You can create unnamed or named EntityGroups.
These topics discuss the commands to create and manage EntityGroups: