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Setting Behavior Options for Hatch and Fill Boundaries

Optionally, use the following options to better display and select hatched entities:

  • Annotative scaling.

    Specifies whether annotative scaling is applied when you create or edit the hatch or the gradient. When you change the scale of Viewports on layout Sheets, hatch entities automatically maintain the hatch size. This property ensures similar pattern sizes in Viewports on layout Sheets.

  • Keep hatch and boundary related.

    Updates hatch patterns and gradients automatically if the boundary changes (default). This option is not available if you selected Annotative scaling.

    By default, hatches and gradients are linked to the boundary and therefore, automatically update when the boundary changes. You can remove the link at any time and create hatches and gradients that are independent of their boundaries. Additionally, you can add or remove grip points that let you manually change the hatch shape according to a new boundary.

  • Create hatch for each boundary.

    Generates distinct hatches or filled area with the same properties if you are adding boundaries of several areas at once. Do not enable this option if one connected hatch or gradient is required.

  • Use properties of selected hatch.

    Generates hatch or fill with the same properties as a selected hatch entity. Click Use properties and specify a hatch in the drawing.

  • Placement.

    By default, hatches and fills are created behind their boundaries to allow easier selection of the boundaries. You can create the hatch and the fill behind or in front of the boundary, as well as behind or in front of all other entities. Select Bring to Front, Send to Back, Bring in Front of Boundary, Send Behind Boundary (default), or Do Not Assign.


Command: Hatch

Menu: Draw > Hatch

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