Status Bar
The status bar is located at the bottom of the application window.
It is divided into areas to display and set tooltips, drafting settings, coordinate display, and notifications.
The left side of the status bar displays tooltips.
If you move the cursor over menu options, ribbon tab icons, or toolbar icons, a description of the command or function displays in the status bar.
If you move the cursor over menus or toolbar icons, a description of the command or function displays in the status bar.
Drafting Settings
The adjacent area of the status bar contains buttons to turn on and off drafting options:
More Options
- Dimension Bounding Box. Shows or hides Dimension Bounding Boxes onscreen (Professional, Premium, Enterprise & Enterprise Plus).
- QInput. Turns on and off QuickInput.
- QInput. Turns on and off Quick Input features (Professional & Enterprise versions only).
- LWeight. Turns on and off LineWeights display.
- MODEL / SHEET. When the Model tab is active, this option switches to the most recently used layout Sheet. When a layout Sheet is active, this option switches between the Sheet workspace and the Model workspace of the most recently used Viewport.
- Dynamic CCS. Turns on and off the Dynamic Custom Coordinate System (Dynamic CCS).
- AMonitor. Turns on and off the Annotation Monitor.
- Annotation. Lets you select the current annotative scale.
Coordinate Display
Next to the option buttons the status bar shows the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the pointer.
Notification Area
The notification area of the status bar displays a balloon to indicate that an external reference drawing has changed and needs reloading.
Right-clicking the Reference button displays a menu:
- References. Displays the References palette.
- Reload References. Drawings that contain referenced drawings are displayed in their current states.