Ribbon Tabs
Available in the Windows version only
Ribbons provide tabs that organize application feature categories, such as drafting and modification (on the Home tab), inserting and referencing, dimensioning and annotations, formatting, and viewing.
Each ribbon tab is composed of panels, which are a labeled set of closely related commands that you need to complete a task.
Each panel relates to a type of activity, such as the Components panel on the Insert ribbon tab, which includes commands to edit Blocks in-place.
When you start the program, the Home ribbon tab is active by default in Drafting and Annotation workspace.
You can minimize the ribbon.
To invoke a command from a ribbon tab:
- In the ribbon, click a tab label.
- From a tab group, click a command icon.
Some commands or options are selectable from drop-down lists.
To minimize the ribbon:
To restore the ribbon:
- At the top right corner of the ribbon, click Maximize the Ribbon.
To keep the ribbon minimized a short time:
- Double-click the name of the active tab. Double-click a tab again to restore the ribbon.
Keyboard shortcut: To minimize or restore the ribbon, press Ctrl + F1.