Performing the SWTaskAddin Upgrade (For SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Only)

If the version of SWTaskAddin is earlier than the version of SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional, you can upgrade SWTaskAddin by importing a .cex file.

  1. From the Windows Start menu, click SOLIDWORKS PDM > Administration to open the Administration tool.
  2. Log in to the vault where you want to upgrade SWTaskAddin as an administrator.
  3. Click File > Open.
  4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS PDM\Default Data\ and select Convert_GB.cex.
  5. In the dialog box that appears, expand Convert_GB.cex, select SWTaskAddin, and drag it to the Addins node in the left pane.
  6. In the message box, select Yes to update the existing add-in.
  7. In the Windows notification area, right-click the SOLIDWORKS PDM icon VaultBlueberry.gif and click Task Host Configuration to verify that SWTaskAddin has been upgraded.
    If the client you just upgraded acts as a task host, exit SOLIDWORKS PDM and log in again before performing the verification.