Check Out Dialog Box

Checking out a file gives you exclusive right to edit it until you check it back in. Other users can open the file for viewing and copying but cannot change it.

To display the dialog box:

Select the files or folders to check out and click Actions > Check Out.

Toolbar Buttons

Some commands accessed from toolbar buttons are also available on the shortcut menu.

Next Warning / Previous Warning Only shown when warnings are present in the Warnings column.

In the file list, changes the focus to the next file with a warning or the previous file with a warning.

Clicking a warning icon expands the hierarchy if it is collapsed and the warning is on a referenced file.

Levels Displays file references for the entire file hierarchy (Show All Levels) or just the top level of the file hierarchy (Top Level Only).

The setting defaults to the most recent setting you used.

You can also expand or collapse the hierarchy using the and controls in the File name column.

Select Files Opens the Select Files dialog box, where you can specify a wildcard pattern to select files.
Open File List Open All opens a list of files in Microsoft Excel.
Open Visible opens a list of visible files in Microsoft Excel.
Save File List Export All exports the list of all files as a comma-separated .txt file.
Export Visible exports the list of visible files as a comma-separated .txt file.

File List

Three types of column set preferences are available based on the assigned administrative permissions: Default Columns, My Columns, and administrator-defined column sets. For more details, see Types of Column Set.

To switch preference, right-click any column header, select Column Sets, and then select your preference.

Select Sort to specify the default and custom columns in tables in ascending, descending, or tree structure order. Column sorting is useful within large datasets. If you sort a column in ascending or descending order, the column is highlighted in green and an arrowhead appears. When you sort a column in a table, SOLIDWORKS PDM removes the file structure hierarchy. Sorting turns off Show Tree Lines and Show Reference Selection Control.
Tree structure sorting is available only on File Name.

Drag a column head to change the position of a column.

Type Displays a thumbnail preview of the file when you hover over the file type icon.
File name

Displays selected files and files referenced by them. For assemblies, the list can include drawings, parts, subassemblies, and SOLIDWORKS Simulation files.

The related drawings can be in the current folder or in a folder elsewhere in the vault. By default, SOLIDWORKS PDM checks the entire vault for related drawings. The scope of the search depends on administrative settings.

Displays warnings such as File is checked out, No Checkout Rights if the file is not available for check out.

This column is blank if there are no warnings.

To quickly locate files with warnings or errors, use the Next Warning and Previous Warning toolbar buttons or Ctrl + the up-arrow or down-arrow on the numeric keypad.
Check out Lets you select files for check out. Retrieves latest versions of selected files. When a file is selected for check out, the corresponding Get check box is always selected.

Retrieves read-only copies of the latest versions. Clearing both Check out and Get leaves the local file unchanged (as though you had not selected it for this operation).

Local ver. The first number is the local (cached) version, or a hyphen (-) if locally modified. The second number is the latest version in the vault. For example, 4/6 means version 4 of 6.
Checked out by Shows users who have files checked out.

If you hover over a user name, a pop-up window displays user information such as log in status, number of files checked out, and a link to email the user.

Checked out in Computer and local folder where the file is checked out, or blank if not checked out.
Referenced as

Specifies how a parent file references a child file: full path, relative path, or file name only. SOLIDWORKS PDM looks for references without full path names in the location specified for the parent.

Found in Vault folder containing the file.
State Workflow state of the file, for example, Submit for Approval or No Approval Required.

Total to Check Out

Displays the number and type of files you have selected for checking out.

Shortcut Menu Options

Right-click in the file list to access these menu options:

Columns Lists column heads so you can display or hide columns.

Currently displayed columns are indicated by a check mark.

Click More to open the Choose Columns dialog box, where you can add up to 10 additional columns by selecting SOLIDWORKS PDM variables on which to base column heads.

Show Reference Selection Controls For files with references (such as assemblies with parts), turns on a second check box to the right of parent files.

Use the left check box to select or clear only the parent file.

Use the right check box to select or clear the parent file and all of its references.

If all check boxes are not in the same state, the added check box displays .

Select All Selects all files, so that you can check or clear the Check out or Get column.
Select Files Displays a dialog box where you can specify wildcards to select a group of files. You can then use a single keystroke to check or clear the files in the Check out or Get columns.
Show Tree Lines Adds tree lines to the File name column.
Change Thumbnail Preview Size Changes the size of thumbnail previews as Small, Medium, or Large. By default, Medium is selected.
When you select the size in one table, SOLIDWORKS PDM sets the same size in applicable tables and on tabs. The thumbnail previews for non-SOLIDWORKS files may not be clear when you select Medium or Large.
Check Out All Files Selects all files in the Check out column.
Get All Files Selects all files in the Get column.