Equations in Assemblies

The equation syntax for references between assembly components loads automatically when you select dimensions, features, and global variables in the FeatureManager design tree, the graphics area, File Properties, and the Equations dialog box.

Existing equations that do not follow this syntax are marked as errors because they create inconsistent results. You need to edit these equations to correct the syntax.

The left side of the equation is the global variable in the component that you are editing whose value you want to specify. The right side of the equation identifies the global variable that is the source of the value. It includes the name of that global variable and the assembly or part that contains it..

In the following example, A1 is a subassembly of A2 containing the parts P1 and P2:

In the following table, Edit Target is the assembly or part being edited, which contains the global variable you want to specify. Reference to is the assembly or part containing the global variable that is the source of the value.

Edit Target Reference to Syntax
A2 A2 “GV1” = “GV2”
A2 A1 “GV1” = “GV2@A1<1>.Assembly
A2 P1 “GV1” = “GV2@P1<1>.Part@A1<1>.Assembly
A1 A2 “GV1” = “GV2@A2.Assembly”
A1 A1 “GV1” = “GV2”
A1 P1 “GV1” = “GV2@P1<1>.Part”
P1 A2 “GV1” = “GV2@A2.Assembly”
P1 A1 “GV1” = “GV2@A1<1>.Assembly”
P1 P1 “GV1” = “GV2”
P1 P2 “GV1” = “GV2@P2<1>.Part@A1<1>.Assembly”
You can interpret the rows as follows:
  • The first row shows the equation if the target global variable is GV1 and the source global variable is GV2, and both are in the same assembly or part (in this case, assembly A2).
  • The second row shows the equation if the target global variable is GV1 in assembly A2, and the source global variable is GV2 in assembly A1.
  • The third row shows the equation if the target global variable is GV1 in assembly A2, and the source global variable is GV2 in part P1, which is in assembly A1.
  • The other rows illustrate other equations for specifying a global variable in an assembly or part to the value of a global variable in another, or the same assembly or part.
The value in the <> is an instance number and is subject to change.

For example, you can have a part in an assembly multiple times, such as Bolt<1>, Bolt<2>, or Bolt<52>, but the bolt is still the same part. Every time you add a new instance of the same Bolt, the number in <> increments.