
On the Net-Inspect page, you can map custom fields from SOLIDWORKS Inspection to Field 14 in Net-Inspect.

To access this dialog box, click Home (ribbon) and click Options > Net-Inspect.


Enforce Net-Inspect Data Field Sizes Automatically truncates values in fields to fit the corresponding maximum field sizes in Net-Inspect.

This ensures that data publishes correctly to Net-Inspect.

Flag Basic Dimensions as Reportable Reports basic dimensions to Net-Inspect. When selected, Net-Inspect publishes basic dimensions with the FAI report. When cleared, Net-Inspect displays basic dimensions as "Non Reportable."
Flag Reference Dimensions as Reportable Reports reference dimensions to Net-Inspect. When selected, Net-Inspect publishes reference dimensions with the FAI report. When cleared, Net-Inspect displays reference dimensions as "Non Reportable."
Populate profile geometric tolerance requirement fields with "<= nominal value"  

Custom Field Mapping

SOLIDWORKS Inspection Custom Field Field to map to Net-Inspect.
Net Inspect Additional Field Defines an additional field label in Net-Inspect.
Publish Publishes the custom field to Net-Inspect.