SOLIDWORKS Feature Mappings

When you export a SOLIDWORKS model to CircuitWorks, the CircuitWorks software automatically recognizes and maps the SOLIDWORKS sketch or extrude features that are named according to the following naming scheme. Similarly, when you import a CircuitWorks model into SOLIDWORKS, the SOLIDWORKS software specifies the default feature names according to the following scheme.

When a sketch or extrude name includes the mapping substring listed in the left column of the following table, and you export the model to CircuitWorks, the CircuitWorks software maps the SOLIDWORKS feature to the feature listed in the right column. For example, you can name a SOLIDWORKS extrude feature for a plated hole 4PTH or PTH 4 and the corresponding CircuitWorks feature is interpreted as a plated hole.

The feature name substring mapping is not case sensitive.
SOLIDWORKS Feature Name Substring CircuitWorks ECAD Board Feature
Board_Outline Board
Conductive_Layer Conductive Layer
Dielectric_Layer Dielectric Layer
Panel_Outline Panel
Component_Outline Electrical Component
Mechanical_Outline Mechanical Component
PTH Plated Hole
NPTH Nonplated Hole
Pads Pad
Trace Trace
Filled_Area Filled Area
Via Via
Annotations Text
Pin Pin
Other_Outline Other Outline Area
Route_Outline Routing Keep-in Area
Place_Outline Component Keep-in Area
Route_Keepout Routing Keep-out Area
Place_Keepout Component Keep-out area
Via_Keepout Via Keep-out area
Trace_Keepout Trace Keep-out area
Testpoint_Keepout Testpoint Keep-out area
Silk_Keepout Silkscreen Keep-out Area
Hole_Keepout Hole Keep-out Area
Place_Region Placement Group Area
Outlines are sketches in SOLIDWORKS. You can have only one Component_Outline sketch per component. The Component_Outline sketch must be parallel to the board. The sketch must define a continuous boundary with holes.