Editing Hole Features in the CircuitWorks Export Wizard

You can edit individual hole features in the CircuitWorks Export Wizard Task Pane by clearing individual hole selections or renaming instances.

To edit hole features in CircuitWorks:

  1. Open a part file with Circular Pattern and Linear Pattern hole features, and Fillet feature.
  2. In the SOLIDWORKS software, click Export to CircuitWorks (CircuitWorks toolbar) or CircuitWorks > Export to CircuitWorks.
  3. In the CircuitWorks Export Wizard Task Pane, click Next until you reach Select the Board Outline.
  4. For Select the Board Outline:
    1. Click Use the following SOLIDWORKS feature.
    2. In the FeatureManager design tree, select an Extruded Boss/Base feature and a Fillet feature for the board and the fillet respectively.
    3. Click Next.
  5. For Select the Nonplated Hole Features:
    1. In the FeatureManager Design Tree, select the Linear Pattern hole feature.
    2. Click Next.
  6. For Select the Plated Hole Features:
    1. In the FeatureManager Design Tree, select the Circular Pattern hole feature.
    2. In the Task Pane, under Feature Name, clear PTH 2 and PTH 3.
    3. For PTH, under New Name, type Seed Hole.
    4. Click Next until you reach Finish.
  7. Click Finish.
    The software exports the board, containing only the selected holes using the renamed instances, into CircuitWorks. The board opens in the CircuitWorks application.