Rectangular Duct End Geometry Requirements

The following elements are required to create a rectangular duct end for using in a duct route assembly. Please note that the feature names and dimension names may change as per your design requirements.

Rectangular Duct End Sketch

  • A sketch on the Front plane named Sketch1.
  • A square or rectangle, created from the origin of the sketch, with dimensions named:
    • Height@Sketch1
    • Width@Sketch1
    • Thickness@Extrude.

    Height@Sketch1 = 0.50

    Width@Sketch1 = 1

  • A sketch on the Front plane named Sketch2 with a defined offset on the end face of Extrude.
    Sketch2 must be created after the extrusion Extrude is created.
    Thickness@Extrude = 0.03


  • Extrude: An extruded base feature named Extrude, extruded in the direction of the positive Z-axis.
  • Boss-Extrude1: An extruded boss feature named Flange_thickness@Boss-Extrude1.