Pipe and Tube Parts

In pipe and tube parts, each type and size of raw stock is represented by a configuration. In the route subassembly, the individual segments are configurations of the pipe or tube part, based on the nominal diameter, the pipe identifier, and the cut length.

Some sample pipe and tube parts are supplied with the software. You can create your own pipe and tube parts by editing the sample part files or creating your own part file. See Routing File Locations for the location of sample parts and for recommendations on where to store new parts you create.

You can also use the Routing Component Wizard in the Routing Library Manager to prepare a part for use in Routing.


Elbows are used with pipes. Elbow components should contain a configuration for every size and specification of elbows you use. You can have all sizes, angles, classes and radii of elbows in one component, or divide elbows into different library files for different radii, classes, and size ranges. You should delete any configurations from the elbows that you will not use. Several smaller elbow components give better performance than one large component, but you may sometimes need to use an alternate elbow.

To create your own elbow components. copy a sample component that is available with SOLIDWORKS, assign it a new name, and then modify the design table to suit your requirements.

In some cases, you may need to create route components from scratch. Use the Routing Library Manager to create these components.

Automatic addition of elbows

Elbows can be added to the pipe automatically. In the route properties of a pipe, you specify a default elbow to be used for that pipe. When modeling the pipe, design the pipes as straight lines. Wherever straight lines meet, the Routing application creates a fillet. The fillet radius is dimensioned to match the radius of the default elbow. On completion of the route, an elbow is created automatically at each of these fillets. You can also use different elbows by either dragging and dropping an elbow to the end of an existing pipe line to create the required bend, or use the alternate elbows dialog box.

Automatic selection of elbow configurations

Elbow components can contain multiple types and sizes. For example, you can include 45 degree, 90 degree, short radius and long radius elbows in one component. Depending on the geometry of the fillets, the Routing application automatically selects the appropriate elbow.

Custom elbows

You can also create custom elbows, for example, if a 67 degree bend is required. Select the Custom Elbow option in Bends and Elbow PropertyManager. You can also specify a Route Specification in the Route Properties PropertyManager to assign elbows of required standards in the route.