Using Text Blocks in a Template

There are several text types that can be added to a template.

Template Text Field

You can place a text block with static text on a template. When published, the text appears in the 3D PDF document. For example:

The text appears each time the template is used. The template user and the end user cannot change the text.
Completed text area on PDF document

Text Field

You can add a custom text field to a template that can be edited by the template user. When publishing the 3D PDF document, the template user directly enters the text that appears in the final PDF document. For example:
Text area placeholder on template
To edit the custom text in the text field, click Text fields in the Publish to 3D PDF PropertyManager and enter text in the Custom Text dialog box.
Completed text area on PDF document

The template user can modify the text at publish time, but the end user cannot change the text.

Custom Property Field

You can add a text block to a template that references a model custom property. When publishing the 3D PDF document, the template user selects a custom property that appears in the final PDF document. For example:
Custom property placeholder on template
To enter the custom property text in the custom property text field, click Custom property fields in the Publish to 3D PDF PropertyManager and select the model custom properties in the Custom Property Text dialog box.
Completed custom property area on PDF document

The template user can select the custom property at publish time, but the end user cannot change the custom property value.

PDF Form Field

You can place a text fill-in area on the template that the end user can complete after the PDF document is generated. For example, use this text option to allow someone to review the document and include notes.

PDF form field on template
End user enters text on PDF document