Use the Locate Part PropertyManager to move and rotate a part that you insert into another part.
The part you insert becomes a solid body. You can move and rotate the body after you place it. The part into which you insert the body becomes a multibody part.
To open this PropertyManager:
- With a part document open, click and select a part to insert.
- In the Insert Part PropertyManager, under Locate Part, select Locate part with Move/Copy feature and click
Click Translate/Rotate at the bottom of the pane to specify parameters to move or to rotate the body. A preview of the moved body appears.
Mate Settings
If Mate Settings is not displayed, click Constraints at the bottom of the PropertyManager. Select a mate type. All the mate types are always shown in the PropertyManager, but only the mates that are applicable to the current selections are available.
The Mates box contains all the mates in the mate set (all the mates added while the PropertyManager is open). When there are multiple mates in the Mates box, you can select one to edit that mate.
In multibody parts, you can apply multiple sets of mates to the same body. Mates specified within different sets can conflict with each other. For example, you can apply a perpendicular mate between two faces in one set, and in a different set, apply a parallel mate between the same two faces.
Show preview |
When selected, a preview of a mate occurs when you make enough selections for a valid mate.