Cut List Support in BOM Tables

The user interface and functionality for detailed cut lists in Bill of Materials (BOM) tables has been updated for ease of use.

Updates to weldment cut lists tables:
  • Table icons match those used in the FeatureManager® design tree.
  • In Tools > Options > Document Properties > Bill of Materials, the option, Combine cutlist items in BOM regardless to profile when lengths are changed to be the same (legacy behavior) is renamed to Combine same length cut list items with different profiles (pre-2019 behavior).
  • Detailed cut lists are available for all BOM types. Previously, detailed cut lists were only available for indented BOMs. You can specify options in the Detailed Cut List section of the Bill of Materials PropertyManager.
  • You can dissolve components in indented BOMs automatically or manually. In the Bill of Materials PropertyManager, select Dissolve part level rows to dissolve all weldment part level rows automatically.
    Detailed Cut List cleared, Dissolve part level rows cleared Detailed Cut List selected, Dissolve part level rows cleared Detailed Cut List selected, Dissolve part level rows selected
  • In the Configuration Properties PropertyManager, under Bill of Materials Options, you can specify options for Cut list item display when component is used in an assembly (Indented BOM type with detailed cut list only). This option shows, hides, or promotes cut list items of indented BOMs. Promote dissolves the part level row and shows the cut list items in the indented BOM when you select Detailed Cut List. In the FeatureManager design tree, you can right-click any component and click Restore in BOM to move the components back to Show Cutlist.
  • When you use balloons for subweldment cut list items in BOMs, the balloon properties correspond to the linked BOM. Before SOLIDWORKS 2022, balloons applied to bodies that belonged to subweldments appeared with an asterisk. Now the balloons have a corresponding item number.