Defining a Simulation Data Sensor

You define sensors to monitor result quantities at a set of locations, mass properties of components or bodies, interferences between components for assemblies, and dimensions.

To define a Simulation Data sensor:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click Sensors and select Add Sensor.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Sensor Type , select Simulation Data.
  3. Under Data Quantity, select:
    1. A result quantity in Results .
    2. A result component in Component .
    3. If applicable, a reference plane, axis or coordinate system for Plane, Axis or Coordinate System .
  4. Under Properties select:
    1. Unit system in Units .
    2. A variable in Criterion :
      Variable Description
      Model Max Maximum algebraic value across mode
      Model Min Minimum algebraic value across model
      Model Average Average value across model
      Max over Selected Entities Maximum algebraic value over selected entities defined in the Components, Bodies, Faces, Edges, or Vertices box
      Min over Selected Entities Minimum algebraic value over selected entities defined in the Components, Bodies, Faces, Edges, or Vertices box
      Average of Selected Entities Average value over selected entities defined in the Components, Bodies, Faces, Edges, or Vertices box
      RMS over Selected Entities Root mean square value over selected entities defined in the Components, Bodies, Faces, Edges, or Vertices box
    3. If applicable, select geometric entities in Components, Bodies, Faces, Edges, or Vertices for Sensor .
  5. Check the Alert box to let the program notify you when results deviate from the limits you set here.
  6. Click to save the sensor.