Creating Custom Operations for Weldments

You can create custom operations in the template or in the CostingManager.

Creating Custom Operations in the Template

To create custom operations in the machining or multibody templates:

  1. In the Costing Task Pane, under Template:
    1. Select the template to edit.
    2. Click Launch Template Editor.
  2. In the dialog box, click Custom and set options.
  3. Click Save .

Creating Custom Operations in the CostingManager

When you create custom operations with this method, the custom operations apply to the current part only. The custom operations are not included in the template for use with other parts.

To create custom operations in the CostingManager:

  1. At the top of the CostingManager, click Add Custom Operation Costing_Create_Custom_Operation.gif.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Operation, select Add New.
  3. Under New Operation, set options, then click PM_OK.gif.
  4. The custom operation appears in the Custom Operations FM_folder.gif folder and the Estimated Cost Per Part updates.