Editing Machining Operations

You can edit manufacturing operations in the Costing template or in the CostingManager.

For all operations, you can apply a cost override.

If you edit the Costing template, all parts that are evaluated using this template are affected. If you edit the CostingManager, only the current part is affected.

You can convert simple holes to circular milled pockets, and you can revert the circular milled pockets back to holes. When you revert circular milled pockets back to holes, you must define a drill diameter in the machining template that matches the hole diameter, or that is within -10% of the circular milled pocket diameter. If the exact drilling tool size is not defined in the template, the Costing tool searches for a drilling tool that is within -10% of the hole diameter. The CostingManager warns you if the tool size does not match the hole size.
You cannot convert holes that require tapping or counterbored holes.

To edit a machining operation in the CostingManager:

  1. Expand an item in the CostingManager.
  2. Right-click and click any of the following.
CostingManager Item Menu Item Description
Setup Operation Setup folder Add Setup Operation Creates a new setup operation in the Operation Setup folder called Setup Operation n .
Setup Custom Setup folder Add Setup Cost Creates a new setup cost in the Setup folder called Setup Custom Operation n .
  Select Setup Cost Adds an existing setup cost to the Custom Operations Setup folder.
Items in the Setup folders Apply Cost Override Modifies the cost for the setup operation with the value you enter.
  No Cost Assigns no cost to the setup operation.
  Move To Moves a machining operation from one setup to another setup.
  New Setup Operation Creates a new setup for the selected manufacturing operation.
Items in the Cut Path folder Cutting machines defined in the template Sets a different cutting tool.
Items in the Mill Operations folder Move To Moves a milling operation from one setup to another setup operation.
  Add Operation Sets operations such as semi finishing or finishing.
  Change to Drill Converts the milling operation to a drilling operation. This is for circular milled pockets that are converted from drilled holes. You can also drag the circular milled pocket feature to the Hole Operations folder.
  Machine Sets a different machine type.
  Apply Cost Override Modifies the cost for the mill operation with the value you enter.
  Milling machines defined in the template Sets a different tool size.
Items in the Hole Operations folder Add Operation Adds an operation and sets a tool to use for that operation because the hole may require more operations than originally defined in the template. For example, instead of just drilling a hole, you can drill and ream a hole.
  Change to Mill Converts the drilling operation (for a simple drilled hole) to a milling operation. You can also drag the simple hole feature to the Mill Operations folder.
  Split Operation Splits and displays the cost of each hole operation in advanced and tapped holes.
  Move To Moves a hole operation from one setup to another setup.
  Tools defined in the template Sets a different cutting tool and size.
  Machine Sets a different machine type.
  Apply Cost Override Modifies the cost for the hole operation with the value you enter.
Custom Operations folder Add Custom Operation Creates a new custom operation. See Custom Operations for Machined Parts.
Items in the Custom Operations folder Edit Custom Operation Adds or edits a custom operation. See Custom Operations PropertyManager.
  Apply Cost Override Modifies the cost for the custom operation with the value you enter.
  Remove Custom Operation Removes the item from the Custom Operations folder.
Items in the Library Features folder Library features defined in the template Sets a different library feature as a substitute for the one that was automatically selected.
  No Cost Assigns no cost to the library feature.
  Apply Cost Override Modifies the cost for the library feature with the value you enter.