The SOLIDWORKS PDM ribbon is automatically added to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents when the Office Integration Add-in is installed.

To display the SOLIDWORKS PDM ribbon:

  • Click the SOLIDWORKS PDM tab at the top of the screen.
If the options in a section are not visible, click the down arrow to display them.

File Options

Check Out Checks out the file for editing.
If you begin to edit a document without checking it out, SOLIDWORKS PDM preserves the changes you have made if you check the document out before closing it.
Check In Checks in the file so that other users can edit it.
Undo Check Out Cancels a checkout without saving changes.

Version Options

Get Latest Version Retrieves the latest version of the file from the archive.
Get Version Retrieves the selected version of the file from the archive. Click the down arrow to display a list of versions and revisions of the file.

Properties Options

Show Card Opens the SOLIDWORKS PDM data card for the document you are viewing.
  Update Linked Fields Refreshes the document automatically to update the values for fields that are linked to document properties. This update happens when the values are modified using a data card with the Microsoft Office Add-in.
When you change the properties without using the Microsoft Office Add-in, open and save the file to view the updates in the Preview tab.

States Options

Change State Lets you change the workflow state of the file. Click the down arrow to display a list of available transitions.

Explore Options

Search Opens the SOLIDWORKS PDM Search tool, where you can search the vault by selecting a search form and specifying search criteria.
Select in Windows Explorer Opens Windows File Explorer to the vault location where the Microsoft Office document is location and preselects the file.


Local Version Displays version information for the document in the local cache.

The first number is the version of the document in the local cache, or a hyphen if the document has been modified locally.

The second number is the latest version in the vault.

For example, 4/6 means that the local cache contains version 4 of 6 versions that are stored in the vault.

Local Revision Displays revision information for the document in the local cache.

The first number is the revision of the document in the local cache, or a hyphen if the document has been modified locally.

The second number is the latest revision in the vault.

For example, A/B means that the local cache contains revision A of two revisions that are stored in the vault.

Checked Out By Displays the name of the user who has checked out the file.
Checked Out In Displays the location (system name and path) where the user checked out the file.
Workflow State Displays the current state of the document as it is defined in the SOLIDWORKS PDM workflow.