Creating a Routing Assembly from a P&ID File

You can import a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) from a specially formatted .xml file and use that file as a guide in building route assemblies.

The file must meet P&ID file format specifications.

As a best practice, you can import schematics from a P&ID file to design piping and tubing routes. When you use a P&ID file, the assembly design matches the connectivity, pipe, and tube sizes in the schematic and the design validation tools warn of any deviation from the schematic.

To create a routing assembly from a P&ID file:

  1. Open the Piping and Instrumentation tab:
    1. Create and save a new assembly without closing it, or open an existing assembly.
    2. From the Task Pane, select the Piping and Instrumentation tab.
  2. Import the P&ID file:
    1. On the Piping and Instrumentation tab, click Import.
    2. In the Import P&ID Data dialog box, select a P&ID data file.
      You import P&ID data only from a specially formatted .xml file. See P&ID File Format.
    3. Select tag scheme options as required:
      • Select a tag scheme.
        The tag scheme list includes the tag schemes you create in the Tag Scheme Manager.
      • Select Allow tag scheme to override P&ID data to specify connecting pipeline or tubeline sizes from the tag data in the P&ID file, rather than from the pipe or tube sizes specified in the connecting components.
    4. Click Import.
      Data from the P&ID file appears on the Piping and Instrumentation tab.
  3. Insert the equipment into the routing assembly:
    1. On the Piping and Instrumentation tab, for Sort by, select Equipment.
      You can enter the first few characters of equipment names in Search Equipment to filter the list.
      Equipment that is not yet inserted is indicated with a red flag .
    2. Click Insert All Equipment.
      The Insert Component dialog box appears.
    3. Drag the equipment components from the dialog box to the graphics area to place them in the assembly.
      If there is not enough information in the P&ID file to identify a selected component, the Select Component dialog box appears. In that case:
      1. Select a component and configuration from the list.
      2. Click Open and place the item in the graphics area.
    4. When you have placed all components, click .
      Correctly placed components are indicated with a green flag .
  4. Connect the piping or tubing systems to the equipment and save the routing assembly:
    1. On the Piping and Instrumentation tab, for Sort by, select Piping systems or Tubing systems.
      You can enter the first few characters of system names in Search Pipes or Search Tubes to filter the list.
      The piping and tubing systems that require processing are indicated with a red flag .
    2. Click Process Pipe or Process Tube.
    3. Drag the piping or tubing system components from the Insert Component dialog box to the graphics area to place them in the assembly.
      If there is not enough information in the P&ID file to identify a selected component, the Select Component dialog box appears. In that case:
      1. Select a component and configuration from the list.
      2. Click Open and place the item in the graphics area.
      You might be prompted to create a route when placing components.
    4. When you have placed all components, click .
      Correctly placed components are indicated with a green flag .