Custom Property

Select custom properties to evaluate the document:
Name Type the name of the custom property.
Type Select Any, Text, Number, Date, or Yes/No (true/false).
Operator Select = (equal), ! = (Not Equal To), List, Like, Starting With, Ending With, Exclude, Range, or a comparison symbol.
Operator Function  
Like Finds strings that contain a sub-string of the text you enter. For example, if a custom property is named "DocumentAuthor," and you search for a property like "Author," the check will pass.
List, Exclude, and Range Use comma-delimited values.  
! = (Not Equal To) If you specify ! = (Not Equal To) as the Operator and the property Name and Value are identical to those specified under the Custom tab in Summary Information then the check fails.  
Value Type a value for the custom property.
New Click to insert another custom property.
Delete Select a row number, then click Delete to remove a row from the check.