Exporting STEP Configuration Data

The SOLIDWORKS STEP translator supports the export of user-defined configuration information.

You can export the following configuration data in a STEP file:
  • Product information
  • Responsible people or organizations
  • Version information including approvals and security clearances
  • Product categories
  • Record of events
  • Definition of parts and assemblies

To save the configuration data in a STEP file:

  1. In a part or assembly document, click File > Export As.
  2. In the dialog box, select one of the STEP file types for Save as type, then click Options.
  3. In the Export Options dialog box, select one of the following for Output as:
    Option Description
    Solid/Surface geometry Exports the geometry as all solids and surface bodies.
    3D curves with Export sketch entities cleared Exports the solid and surface bodies as wireframe entities. All 3D curves (composite curves, 3D wireframes, imported curves, and so forth) are also saved.
    3D curves with Export sketch entities selected The Export sketch entities item is available as an option to 3D curves. Exports all the items in 3D curves, plus all 2D and 3D sketches in the document.
    For STEP files exported from SOLIDWORKS 2001Plus, if you select the 3D curves or Export sketch entities options, you cannot open these files in earlier versions of SOLIDWORKS. If you select the Solid/Surface geometry option, you can open these files in earlier versions of SOLIDWORKS.
  4. Select Set STEP configuration data, click OK, then click Export.
  5. In the STEP Configuration Data for Export dialog box, select a part or assembly from the Product list box. If you export an assembly, you can enter configuration data for each component as well as for the assembly itself.
  6. Select an item in the Configuration data items tree. After selecting an item, you can:
    Option Description
    Add a child item from the Add item list.

    Only the child items that are available for the selected item are shown in the list. The Add item list is unavailable if there are no child items available for the selected item.

    You can delete items that you add. Select the item in the Configuration data items tree and press Delete.

    Edit the values of the selected item in the Edit item box. For the Person or Organization items, each ID that you enter is stored for use in future STEP files that you create. When you update a value, all instances of Person or Organization with the same ID update as well in the current and future STEP files.
  7. Click OK to export the configuration data to the STEP file. Click Cancel to export the STEP file without the user-defined configuration data; default configuration data is added to the file instead.