Import all SOLIDWORKS Cameras, Custom Views, and Lights

When you import a SOLIDWORKS model into SOLIDWORKS Visualize, you can now import all custom defined SOLIDWORKS Cameras, custom saved views, and physical lights.

Cameras and Saved Views

When you import a SOLIDWORKS model and choose to import Cameras, all cameras and custom SOLIDWORKS views are imported into SOLIDWORKS Visualize. These import as SOLIDWORKS Visualize Cameras and are displayed in the Camera’s tab in SOLIDWORKS Visualize. All aspects of SOLIDWORKS cameras and saved views are maintained and replicated in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

To import cameras and saved views, the model must be saved in SOLIDWORKS 2018.

Physical Lights

When you import a SOLIDWORKS model and choose to import Lights, all directional, point, and spot lights saved in the SOLIDWORKS model are imported as SOLIDWORKS Visualize Lights on the Scenes tab. All aspects of SOLIDWORKS lights are maintained when translated to SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

All imported lights are disabled by default when imported, regardless of whether they were ON in SOLIDWORKS and/or PhotoView 360 when the model was saved. Ambient light sources are never imported from SOLIDWORKS.

SOLIDWORKS Visualize Connected does not support PhotoView 360.