Creating a Custom Polymer Material

To create a custom polymer material, you can copy a similar material stored in the Default Database to the User-defined Database, and modify its properties.

To create a custom polymer material:

  1. In the Plastics CommandManager, click Browse Material Database > Plastic Material Database.
  2. In the Polymer database dialog box:
    1. Click Default Database, and select a material from the plastics family that the custom material belongs to. For example, to add a new ABS material, select the first material under ABS (Generic material of ABS).
    2. Click Copy .
    3. Click User-defined Database.
      The software stores all custom-defined materials in the User-defined Database.
    4. Click Paste .
      A clone of the material appears under ABS.
    5. To edit the properties of the cloned material, click Edit .
      In the Polymer-Material Properties Manager dialog box, you can edit any material property. For example, you can rename the polymer in Tradename and Grade and customize the numerical value for the Maximum, Recommended, and Minimum Melt Temperature.
    6. Click OK.

    Similarly, you can copy an existing user-defined database material from the required family and edit its properties.

    You can also add a new material to an existing family in the user-defined database, and fill in all required properties. In addition, if the required family of materials does not exist, you can add it.

    To export a custom material to a SOLIDWORKS Plastics binary format, click Export Products , and click Selected Product > bin.

    To import a custom material in the User-defined Database (saved in .xls or .bin format), click Import Plastic Material .