Use the -LineColor command to set the color for new entities.
It is the command window variant of the LineColor command.
The following table lists the colors you can set.
0 |
"ByBlock" |
1 |
"red" |
2 |
"yellow" |
3 |
"green" |
4 |
"cyan" |
5 |
"blue" |
6 |
"magenta" |
7 |
"white" |
8 .. 255 |
Enter a number |
256 |
"ByLayer" |
RGB value |
"RGB:nnn,nnn,nnn" |
If you set ByLayer as the color name, new entities assume the color assigned to the layer on which you create them.
If you set ByBlock as the color name, new entities are drawn in black or white (depending on the screen background color). When included in a Block definition, the entities inherit the color setting when you insert them into a drawing.
It is good drawing practice to set LineColor and LineStyle properties to ByLayer.
To set the color for new entities:
- Type -LineColor.
- Type the color for new entities or specify the RGB value option.
- RGB value lets you choose from a greater variety of colors by defining the color for new entities using the RGB color model. Type three integer values from 0 to 255 separated by commas for the red, green, and blue values, for example, 127,0,127.
Command: -LineColor