// Preconditions:
// 1. Open a part document.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Adds a date custom property to the part's configuration.
// 2. Tests whether the custom property is editable, and if so,
// edits it.
// 3. Gets all custom properties in the configuration.
// 4. Deletes a custom property.
// 5. Examine the Immediate window.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace IsCustomPropEditable_CSharp
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel;
Configuration config;
CustomPropertyManager cusPropMgr;
int lRetVal;
object vPropNames = null;
string[] propNames;
object vPropTypes = null;
object vPropValues = null;
object[] propValues;
string ValOut;
string ResolvedValOut;
bool wasResolved;
bool linkToProp;
object resolved = null;
object linkProp = null;
int nNbrProps;
int j;
int custPropType;
bool bRet;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
config = (Configuration)swModel.GetActiveConfiguration();
cusPropMgr = config.CustomPropertyManager;
lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Add3("ADATE", (int)swCustomInfoType_e.swCustomInfoDate, "4-13-59", (int)swCustomPropertyAddOption_e.swCustomPropertyDeleteAndAdd);
lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Get6("ADATE", false, out ValOut, out ResolvedValOut, out wasResolved, out linkToProp);
bRet = cusPropMgr.IsCustomPropertyEditable("ADATE", config.Name);
if (bRet == false)
Debug.Print("ADATE is editable. Change the date.");
lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Set2("ADATE", "4-13-89");
Debug.Print("ADATE is not editable.");
lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Get6("ADATE", false, out ValOut, out ResolvedValOut, out wasResolved, out linkToProp);
// Get the number of custom properties for this configuration
nNbrProps = cusPropMgr.Count;
Debug.Print("Number of custom properties for this configuration: " + nNbrProps);
// Get the custom properties
lRetVal = cusPropMgr.GetAll3(ref vPropNames, ref vPropTypes, ref vPropValues, ref resolved, ref linkProp);
propValues = (object[])vPropValues;
propNames = (string[])vPropNames;
// For each custom property, print its name, type, and evaluated value
for (j = 0; j <= nNbrProps - 1; j++)
custPropType = cusPropMgr.GetType2(propNames[j]);
Debug.Print("Name, swCustomInfoType_e value, and resolved value: " + propNames[j] + ", " + custPropType + ", " + propValues[j]);
lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Delete2("ADATE");
// Get the number of custom properties for this configuration
nNbrProps = cusPropMgr.Count;
Debug.Print("Number of custom properties for this configuration: " + nNbrProps);
// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;