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Get Gtol Frame Information Example (C#)

This example shows how to obtain information from a Gtol frame.

// ====================================================

// Preconditions:

// 1. Open a drawing that contains a GTol created with either SolidWorks 2021 or SolidWorks 2022/2022+.

// 2. Open an Immediate window.


// Postconditions:

// 1. Select a Gtol in the graphics area.

//    A Geometric Tolerance PropertyManager opens.

// 2. Click on the macro window and press F5.

// 3. Gtol format type and schema version print to the Immediate window.

// 4. Press F5.

// 5. The frame XML schema string prints to the Immediate window.

// 6. Press F5.

// 7. If the selected Gtol can be converted from 2021, it is attempted.

// 8. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 9. Press F5.

// 10. Gets and sets From and To text and toggles SEPARATE REQUIREMENT.

// 11. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 12. Press F5.

// 13. Gtol frames added and deleted.

// 14. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 15. Press F5.

// 16. Add Indicator tests.

// 17. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 18. Press F5.

// 19. Get Indicator tests.

// 20. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 21. Press F5.

// 22. Delete Indicator tests.

// 23. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 24. Press F5.

// 25. Miscellaneous Indicator tests.

// 26. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 27. Press F5.

// 28. Tolerance type tests.

// 29. Inspect the Immediate window.

// 30. Press F5.

// 31. Get and set symbol XML string.

// 32. Inspect the Immediate window.

// ====================================================


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Windows;

using System.Windows.Forms;


using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;

using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Diagnostics;

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;


namespace GetGtolFrameInfo_CSharp


    public partial class SolidWorksMacro


        private ModelDoc2 swModel;

        private bool boolstatus;

        private int longstatus;

        private int longwarnings;

        private SelectionMgr swSelMgr;

        private Gtol swGtol;

        private GtolFrame swGtolFrame;

        private GtolFrame swGtolFrame1;

        private int FrameCount;

        private string sXMLString;

        private int iIndicator;

        private int iFrame;

        private int lFormatType;

        private int lFormatType1;

        private int lSchemaVersion;

        private string sSchemaString;

        private swGtolFormatConversionError_e swConversionError;

        private string swFromText;

        private string swToText;

        private string swFromText1;

        private string swToText1;

        private int IndicatorCount;

        private string sDatum;

        private int lBorderType;

        private int lTolType;

        private int swToleranceType;

        private int swTolType;

        private int pos;


        public void Main()



            swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;

            swSelMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;


            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); // in the graphics area select Gtol created with either SolidWorks 2021 or SolidWorks 2022/2022+


            Debug.Print("Select object type as defined by swSelectType_e: " + swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(1, -1));

            swGtol = (Gtol)swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);


            swApp.GetGtolFormatData(out lFormatType, out lSchemaVersion);

            Debug.Print("Gtol format type as defined by swGtolFormatType_e: " + lFormatType);

            Debug.Print("Gtol schema version as defined by swGtolFormatSchemaVersion_e: " + lSchemaVersion);




            sSchemaString = swApp.GetGtolFrameXMLSchema();

            Debug.Print("Gtol frame XML schema: " + sSchemaString);




            boolstatus = swGtol.CanConvertFormat();

            if (boolstatus != false)


                lFormatType1 = swGtol.GetFormat();

                if (lFormatType1 == (int)swGtolFormatType_e.GTOL_SW2021)


                    boolstatus = swModel.GetSaveFlag();

                    if (boolstatus != false)


                    Debug.Print("SaveFlag BEFORE ConvertFormat is called " + swModel.GetSaveFlag());

                    swConversionError = (swGtolFormatConversionError_e)swGtol.ConvertFormat();

                    boolstatus = swModel.GetSaveFlag(); // if successful, converted Gtol document should be dirty and return True

                    Debug.Print("SaveFlag AFTER ConvertFormat is called " + boolstatus);

                    lFormatType1 = swGtol.GetFormat(); // converted from 2021 to 2022






            boolstatus = swGtol.GetFromTo();

            boolstatus = swGtol.GetFromToText(out swFromText, out swToText);


            swFromText = "FromMe";

            swToText = "ToYou";

            boolstatus = swGtol.SetFromToText(true, swFromText, swToText);

            boolstatus = swGtol.GetFromTo();


            swFromText1 = "";


            swToText1 = "";

            boolstatus = swGtol.GetFromToText(out swFromText1, out swToText1); // should be "FromMe" and "ToMe"


            Debug.Print("From text: " + swFromText1);

            Debug.Print("To text: " + swToText1);


            boolstatus = swGtol.SeparateRequirement;

            if (boolstatus != false)

                swGtol.SeparateRequirement = false;


                swGtol.SeparateRequirement = true;


            Debug.Print("SEPARATE REQUIREMENT ? " + swGtol.SeparateRequirement);




            FrameCount = swGtol.GetFrameCount();

            Debug.Print("Frame count: " + FrameCount);

            boolstatus = swGtol.AddFrame();

            FrameCount = swGtol.GetFrameCount(); // frame count should increase by one

            Debug.Print("Frame added. Frame count now: " + FrameCount);

            boolstatus = swGtol.DeleteFrame(FrameCount);

            FrameCount = swGtol.GetFrameCount(); // frame count should decrease by 1, as just added frame was deleted

            Debug.Print("Frame deleted. Frame count now: " + FrameCount);

            boolstatus = swGtol.AddFrame();

            FrameCount = swGtol.GetFrameCount(); // frame count should increase by 1

            Debug.Print("Frame added. Frame count now: " + FrameCount);




            swGtolFrame = (GtolFrame)swGtol.GetFrame(FrameCount);


            IndicatorCount = swGtolFrame.GetIndicatorCount();


            sDatum = "A";


            Debug.Print(" ");

            Debug.Print("Frame " + FrameCount + " IndicatorCount is " + IndicatorCount + ": AddIndicator test");


            // supported border types: swGtolIndicatorBorderType_CollectionPlane, swGtolIndicatorBorderType_OrientationPlane swGtolIndicatorBorderType_IntersectionPlane swGtolIndicatorBorderType_DirectionFeature

            // supported tolerance types: swGcsPARALLEL swGcsPERP swGcsANG swGcsCIRCRUNOUT swGcsSYMMETRY



            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.AddIndicator((int)swGtolIndicatorBorderType_e.swGtolIndicatorBorderType_IntersectionPlane, (int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsFLAT, sDatum); // unsupported TolType

            Debug.Print("Unsupported TolType swGcsFLAT. AddIndicator return value is " + boolstatus);

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.AddIndicator((int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsFLAT, (int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsSYMMETRY, sDatum); // unsupported BorderType

            Debug.Print("Unsupported BorderType swGcsFLAT. AddIndicator return value is " + boolstatus);

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.AddIndicator((int)swGtolIndicatorBorderType_e.swGtolIndicatorBorderType_IntersectionPlane, (int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsSYMMETRY, sDatum); // supported BorderType and TolType

            Debug.Print("Supported BorderType swGtolIndicatorBorderType_IntersectionPlane and TolType swGcsSYMMETRY. AddIndicator return value is " + boolstatus);


            IndicatorCount = swGtolFrame.GetIndicatorCount();


            Debug.Print("Frame " + FrameCount + " IndicatorCount after one successful AddIndicator is " + IndicatorCount); // should increase by 1 from AddIndicator success

            Debug.Print(" ");




            IndicatorCount = swGtolFrame.GetIndicatorCount();

            iIndicator = 0;

            iFrame = 0;

            FrameCount = swGtol.GetFrameCount();

            Debug.Print("FrameCount is " + FrameCount + ": GetIndicator test");

            for (iFrame = 1; iFrame <= FrameCount; iFrame++)


                //lBorderType = -1;

                //lTolType = -1;

                sDatum = "";


                swGtolFrame1 = (GtolFrame)swGtol.GetFrame(iFrame);

                for (iIndicator = 1; iIndicator <= IndicatorCount; iIndicator++)


                    boolstatus = swGtolFrame1.GetIndicator(iIndicator, out lBorderType, out lTolType, out sDatum);

                    Debug.Print("Frame: " + iFrame + " Indicator index: " + iIndicator + " (BorderType as defined by swGtolIndicatorBorderType_e  = " + lBorderType + " " + "TolType as defined by swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e = " + lTolType + " " + "Datum = " + sDatum + ")");




            Debug.Print(" ");




            Debug.Print("Frame " + FrameCount + " DeleteIndicator test");

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.DeleteIndicator(IndicatorCount);

            Debug.Print("DeleteIndicator return value is " + boolstatus);

            IndicatorCount = swGtolFrame.GetIndicatorCount(); // should decrease by 1, as indicator deleted

            Debug.Print("IndicatorCount is " + IndicatorCount + " after DeleteIndicator");




            Debug.Print(" ");

            Debug.Print("Miscellaneous Indicator test:");

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.AddIndicator((int)swGtolIndicatorBorderType_e.swGtolIndicatorBorderType_OrientationPlane, (int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsANG, sDatum); // add indicator for different BorderType and TolType

            Debug.Print("Supported swGtolIndicatorBorderType_OrientationPlane BorderType AddIndicator return value is " + boolstatus);

            IndicatorCount = swGtolFrame.GetIndicatorCount(); // should increase by 1

            Debug.Print("Frame " + FrameCount + " IndicatorCount after one successful AddIndicator is " + IndicatorCount); // should increase by 1

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.GetIndicator(IndicatorCount, out lBorderType, out lTolType, out sDatum);

            Debug.Print("Frame " + FrameCount + " just added GetIndicator: " + " (BorderType = " + lBorderType + " " + "TolType = " + lTolType + " " + "Datum = " + sDatum + ")");


            if (sDatum != "B")

                sDatum = "B";


                sDatum = "A";


            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.SetIndicator(IndicatorCount, (int)swGtolIndicatorBorderType_e.swGtolIndicatorBorderType_IntersectionPlane, (int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsPERP, sDatum);

            Debug.Print("Indicator " + IndicatorCount + " SetIndicator return value is " + boolstatus);

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.GetIndicator(IndicatorCount, out lBorderType, out lTolType, out sDatum);

            Debug.Print("Indicator " + IndicatorCount + " SetIndicator values " + " (BorderType = " + lBorderType + " " + "TolType = " + lTolType + " " + "Datum = " + sDatum + ")");

            Debug.Print(" ");




            swGtolFrame = (GtolFrame)swGtol.GetFrame(swGtol.GetFrameCount());

            Debug.Print("Frame " + 2 + " ToleranceType test");


            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.GetFrameToleranceType(out swToleranceType);

            Debug.Print("GetFrameToleranceType " + "returned " + boolstatus);

            Debug.Print("GetFrameToleranceType " + "before set returned tolerance type as defined by swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e: " + swToleranceType);

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.SetFrameToleranceType((int)swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e.swGcsROUND);

            Debug.Print("SetFrameToleranceType " + "returned " + boolstatus);

            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.GetFrameToleranceType(out swTolType);

            Debug.Print("GetFrameToleranceType " + "returned " + boolstatus);

            Debug.Print("GetFrameToleranceType " + "after set returned tolerance type as defined by swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e: " + swTolType);





            sXMLString = swGtolFrame.GetSymbolXml();

            Debug.Print("Symbol XML string: " + sXMLString);


            // Set a new symbol XML string of last added frame

            pos = -1;

            pos = Strings.InStr(1, sXMLString, ".01"); // Note: converted Gtol has tolerance format of .01, not 0.01

            if (pos != -1)

                sXMLString = Strings.Replace(sXMLString, ".01", ".02");



                pos = Strings.InStr(1, sXMLString, ".02");

                if (pos != -1)

                    sXMLString = Strings.Replace(sXMLString, ".02", ".01");



            boolstatus = swGtolFrame.SetSymbolXml(sXMLString);

            Debug.Print("New symbol XML string: " + sXMLString);




        // The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.

        public SldWorks swApp;






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