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Get and Set Sensor Example (C#)

This example shows how to get a Measurement (dimension) sensor, resets its value to set off an alert, and fire notifications before resetting value.

// Preconditions:
// 1. Open a part document that has a dimension
/    of 2.5 inches and a corresponding Measurement
//    (dimension) sensor that has an alert set to
//    go off if the value of the dimension is
//    reset to > 3 inches.
// 2. Select the Measurement (dimension) sensor
//    of 2.5 inches in the Sensors folder in the
//    FeatureManager design tree.
// 3. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Enables the Measurement (dimension) sensor alert, if it
//    wasn't previously enabled.
// 2. Sets the value of the dimension to 3.5 inches.
// 3. Triggers the Measurement (dimension) sensor alert; click
//    OK to close it.
// 4. Fires an event when updating the dimension; click
//    OK to close it.
// 5. Examine the FeatureManager design tree, Immediate window,
//    and the graphics area.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;

using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Collections;

namespace SensorsCSharp.csproj


    partial class SolidWorksMacro


        public PartDoc swPart;

        public void Main()


            ModelDoc2 swModel;

            SelectionMgr swSelMgr;

            Feature swFeat;

            Sensor swSensor;

            DimensionSensorData swDimSensor;

            DisplayDimension swDisplayDim;

            Dimension swDim;

            double alertValue1;

            double alertvalue2;

            double sensorValue;

            int retVal;

            bool retBool;


            Hashtable OpenPart;


            swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;

            swSelMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;


            //Set up event and attach to it

            swPart = (PartDoc)swModel;

            OpenPart = new Hashtable();



            // Get the selected Measurement (dimension) sensor

            // in the Sensors folder in the FeatureManager

            // design tree

            swFeat = (Feature)swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);

            swSensor = (Sensor)swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2();


            // Get name of sensor

            Debug.Print("Sensor name = " + swFeat.Name);


            // Make sure selected sensor is a Measurement

            // (dimension) sensor (as of SOLIDWORKS 2009 SP2,

            // only Measurement (dimension) sensors are supported);

            // if it's not, then exit the macro

            if (swSensor == null)


                Debug.Print("Selected sensor is not a Measurement (dimension) sensor. Exiting macro.");



            // Get type of sensor

            switch (swSensor.SensorType)


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorSimulation:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor type = Simulation");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorMassProperty:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor type = Mass Property");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorDimension:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor type = Measurement (dimension)");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorInterfaceDetection:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor type = Interference Detection");




            // Get whether sensor is in an alerted state

            Debug.Print("Is an alert currently triggered for this sensor? " + swSensor.SensorAlertState);


            //Enable sensor's alert

            swSensor.SensorAlertEnabled = true;

            Debug.Print ("Is an alert enabled for this sensor? " + swSensor.SensorAlertEnabled);


            // Get sensor's alert state

            if (swSensor.SensorAlertState)


                switch (swSensor.SensorAlertType)


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_GreaterThan:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Greater than");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_LessThan:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Less than");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_Exactly:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Exactly");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_NotGreaterThan:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Not greater than");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_NotLessThan:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Not less than");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_NotExactly:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Not exactly");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_Between:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Between");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_NotBetween:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = Not between");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_True:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = True");


                    case (int)swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_False:

                        Debug.Print("Sensor alert type = False");



                // Get sensor's alert values

                alertValue1 = swSensor.SensorAlertValue1;

                // ISensor::SensorAlertValue2 only valid when sensor

                // alert type is swSensorAlertType_e.swSensorAlert_Between

                alertvalue2 = swSensor.SensorAlertValue2;

                Debug.Print(" Alert value 1 = " + alertValue1);

                Debug.Print(" Alert value 2 = " + alertvalue2);


            // Set sensor to a different sensor type

            swSensor.SensorType = (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorSimulation;

            switch (swSensor.SensorType)


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorSimulation:

                    Debug.Print("Set sensor type to = Simulation");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorMassProperty:

                    Debug.Print("Set sensor type to = Mass Property");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorDimension:

                    Debug.Print("Set sensor type to = Measurement (dimension)");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorInterfaceDetection:

                    Debug.Print("Set sensor type to = Interference Detection");



            // Update and evaluate sensor

            retBool = swSensor.UpdateSensor();

            // Print updated sensor type

            switch (swSensor.SensorType)


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorSimulation:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated to type = Simulation");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorMassProperty:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated to type = Mass Property");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorDimension:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated to type = Measurement (dimension)");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorInterfaceDetection:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated to type = Interference Detection");



            // Set sensor type back to original type

            swSensor.SensorType = (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorDimension;

            // Update and evaluate sensor again

            retBool = swSensor.UpdateSensor();

            // Print updated sensor type

            switch (swSensor.SensorType)


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorSimulation:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated back to type = Simulation");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorMassProperty:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated back to type = Mass Property");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorDimension:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated back to type = Measurement (dimension)");


                case (int)swSensorType_e.swSensorInterfaceDetection:

                    Debug.Print("Sensor updated back to type = Interference Detection");



            // Because sensor is a Measurement (dimension) sensor,

            // get the sensor's feature data, object, configuration name, and value

            if (swSensor is DimensionSensorData)


                swDimSensor = (DimensionSensorData)swSensor.GetSensorFeatureData();

                swDisplayDim = (DisplayDimension)swDimSensor.GetDisplayDimension();

                // Get Measurement (dimension) sensor value

                sensorValue = swDimSensor.SensorValue;

                // Convert meters to inches

                Debug.Print("Sensor value: " + (sensorValue * 39.37) + " inches");

                // Get the actual dimension and update

                // to a value that sets off the alert

                swDim = (Dimension)swDisplayDim.GetDimension2(1);

                // Reset and update the Measurement (dimension) to 3.5 inhces

                retVal = swDim.SetValue3(3.5, (int)swSetValueInConfiguration_e.swSetValue_UseCurrentSetting, "Configuration");

                retBool = swSensor.UpdateSensor();


                // Get Measurement (dimension) sensor value again

                sensorValue = swDimSensor.SensorValue;

                Debug.Print("New sensor value: " + (sensorValue * 39.37) + " inches");



        /// <summary>

        /// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.

        /// </summary>

        public SldWorks swApp;

        //Attach to and fire event

        public void AttachEventHandlers()




        public void AttachSWEvents()


            swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify += this.swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify;


        public int swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(object SensorIn, int SensorAlertType)


            MessageBox.Show("The value of the sensor deviates from its limits.");

            return 1;






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