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In-process Methods

The SOLIDWORKS API provides two types of methods for interfaces that get or set arrays:

  • in-process

  • global

In-process methods typically begin with the letter I and get or set pointers to arrays that only unmanaged C++ applications can handle. Global methods (i.e., similarly named methods that do not begin with the letter I) are useful both inside a process and across processes and return predictable results for all of the SOLIDWORKS supported languages.

For example, IView contains:

These methods perform similar work in different languages.

For... IView::IGetCThreads gets... IView::GetCThreads gets...
VBA, VB.NET, C#, and C++/CLI (also called managed C++) a CThread a VARIANT array of CThreads
Unmanaged C++ an array of CThreads a pointer to a CThread

In general:

  • For VBA, VB.NET, C#, and C++/CLI (also called managed C++), in-process methods get or set a strongly typed object, and global methods get or set a VARIANT array.
  • For unmanaged C++, in-process methods get or set a pointer to an array of Dispatch objects, and global methods get or set a pointer to a Dispatch object.

The following unmanaged C++ code example uses the flag, useInProcessMethod, to switch between the in-process method, IView::IGetCThreads, and the global method, IView::GetCThreads:

STDMETHODIMP CCTDemo::ToolbarCallback0(void)


            CComPtr<IModelDoc2> swModel;


            CComQIPtr<IDrawingDoc> swDraw = swModel;

            if (swDraw)



                  CComPtr<IView> viewSheet;


                  CComPtr<IView> viewFirst;



                  if (viewFirst)


                        bool useInProcessMethod = false;


                        ///Using IGetCThreads

                        if (useInProcessMethod)


                              long count;


                              if (count > 0)


                                    CString msg;

                                    msg.Format(_T("Number of threads:  %d"), count);

                                    long res0;


                                    ICThread** rawThreadArray = new ICThread*[count];


                                    viewFirst->IGetCThreads(count, rawThreadArray);

                                    CComPtr<INote> threadCalloutNote;


                                    if (threadCalloutNote)


                                          CComBSTR noteText;


                                          CComBSTR msg(_T("Cosmetic thread callout text: "));

                                          if (noteText != NULL)


                                          long res1;



                                    //Be sure to release your resources when you are finished.

                                    for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex != count; ++arrayIndex)


                                    delete[] rawThreadArray;




                                    long res2;

                                    iSwApp->SendMsgToUser2(CComBSTR(_T("No threads in drawing view.")),0,0,&res2);




                        ///Using GetCThreads

                        ///Note the use of SafeDISPATCHArray. This is a VARIANT helper class

                        ///that was defined in a template class.



                              long count;


                              if (count > 0)


                                    VARIANT vThreads;



                                    SafeDISPATCHArray variantThreadArray(&vThreads);


                                    CComQIPtr<ICThread> swThread = variantThreadArray[0];

                                    CComPtr<INote> threadCalloutNote;


                                    if (threadCalloutNote)


                                          CComBSTR noteText;


                                          CComBSTR msg(_T("Cosmetic thread callout text: "));

                                          if (noteText != NULL)


                                          long res1;



                                    //Be sure to release your resources when you are finished.

                                    for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex != count; ++arrayIndex)





                                    long res2;

                                    iSwApp->SendMsgToUser2(CComBSTR(_T("No threads in drawing view.")),0,0,&res2);






                        long res3;

                        iSwApp->SendMsgToUser2(CComBSTR(_T("No drawing view.")),0,0,&res3);








                  long res4;

                  iSwApp->SendMsgToUser2(CComBSTR(_T("No drawing.")),0,0,&res4);




      return S_OK;



A VBA programmer might hope that IView::IGetCThreads returns an array. But this in-process method returns an array only for unmanaged C++. For VBA, the in-process method returns one strongly typed object, CThread. For example:


Dim instance As IView

Dim numCThread As Integer

Dim value As CThread


value = instance.IGetCThreads(numCThread)


To reliably obtain the complete array of CThreads, a VBA programmer (or C# or C++/CLI programmer) should always use the global method (e.g., IView::GetCThreads). For VBA, IView::GetCThreads returns a VARIANT array of CThreads.  For example:


Option Explicit

Dim instance As IView

Dim vObj As Variant

Dim CurrCT As SldWorks.Annotation

Dim value As Variant


Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Set swModel = swApp.GetFirstDocument

Set instance = swModel.ActiveView


value = instance.GetCThreads

If Not value Is Nothing Then

        For i = 0 to UBound(value)

            Set CurrCT = value(i)

            Debug.Print CurrCT.GetName

        Next i

End If

End Sub

For more information about using smart pointers with container classes, see STL Container Classes and Smart Pointers.

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