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Gtol Frame XML Schema

Gtol frame symbol XML structure

The Gtol frame XML schema definition (*.xsd) file is located in install_dir\data\xmlschema. SOLIDWORKS uses the XML schema definition file to validate the symbol XML file that is passed to IGtolFrame::SetSymbolXml.

The Gtol frame symbol XML file has the following node structure. The top level node is <GtolFrame>, and sub-nodes are indented below it. If a node is missing in an XML file, the corresponding category has all default values. For more information about geometric tolerance symbols and their values, see the SOLIDWORKS user-interface help > Detailing and Drawings > Annotations > Symbols > Geometric Tolerance Symbols > Tolerance Dialog Box topics. If you are new to XML, see XML Tutorial.


             <ToleranceSymbol> Mandatory. Value: forty-four possible strings or empty if this frame is a composite with the previous frame. See the Tolerance dialog section in Gtol Frame symbol XML node to user interface mapping.


                                <PrimaryToleranceValue> Mandatory. Values: numerical

                                <PrimaryRangeSymbol> Optional. Values: phi/sPhi/sqr, where phi = diameter, sPhi = spherical diameter, sqr = square

                                <ConjunctionSymbol1> Optional. Values: dash “-“ or slash “/”

                                <ToleranceZone> Optional. Values: numerical

                                <ToleranceZoneSymbol> Optional. Values: phi/sPhi/sqr/deg, where deg = angle degree

                                <ConjunctionSymbol2> Optional. Values: dash “-“ or “X”

                                <RestrictedToleranceZoneLimit> Optional. Values: numerical

                                <RestrictedToleranceZoneLimitSymbol> Optional. Values: phi/sPhi/sqr/deg

                               <ApplyMAXTolerance> Optional. Values: true/false

                               <MaxToleranceSymbol> Optional. Values: phi

                               <MaxToleranceValue> Optional. Values: numerical


                <UnequallyDisposedProfile> / <ToleranceZoneOffset>  Optional. Specify one of these two nodes. See below


                                                <OutsideDisposition> Optional. Values: numerical


                                                <OutsideFirstZoneOffset> / <InsideFirstZoneOffset>            

                                                                   <FirstOffset> Optional. Values: numerical

                                                <OutsideSecondZoneOffset> / <InsideSecondZoneOffset>   Optional. Specify one of these two nodes. Values: true/false

                                                                             <SecondOffset> Optional. Values: numerical

                             <DynamicProfile> Optional. Values: true/false

                             <Combination> Optional. Values: CZ/SZ

                             <Constraint> Optional. Specify up to three of these nodes. Values: OffsetToleranceZone|UnspecifiedAngularToleranceZoneOffset|OrientationOnly



                                <FilterDetail> Unlimited number of these nodes

                                                                <FilterSymbol> Values: G/S/SW/CW/RG/RS/OB/OH/OD/CB/CH/CD/AB/AH/AD/F/H

                                                                <ShortWavePassFilter> Optional. Values: true/false

                                                                <CutOff> Optional. Values: numerical

                                                                <LongWavePassFilter> Optional. Values: true/false

                                                                <FilterIndicationSeparator> Optional. Values: space/X or empty

                                                                <ShortWavePassFilter2> Optional. Values: true/false

                                                                <CutOff2> Optional. Values: numerical

                                                                <LongWavePassFilter2> Optional. Values: true/false

                <AssociatedFeatureInfo> Optional. Values: Minimax / LeastSquares / MinimumCircumscribed / Tangent / MaximumInscribed

                <ProjectedToleranceZone> Optional. Values: true/false

                <Projection> Optional. Values: numerical

                <ProjectionRange> Optional. Values: numerical

                <DerivedFeatureForFeatureOfSize> Optional. Values: true/false

             <AssociatedCharacteristic> Optional. Values: C/CE/CI/G/GE/GI/X/N or empty

            <ParametricCharacteristic> Optional. Values: P/V/T/Q or empty

            <MaterialCondition> Optional.

                              <MaximumMaterialCondition> Optional. Values: true/false

                              <LeastMaterialCondition> Optional. Values: true/false

                              <ReciprocityRequirement> Optional. Values: true/false

                              <RegardlessToFeatureSize> Optional. Values: true/false  Valid only if <MaximumMaterialCondition> or <LeastMaterialCondition> is specified

              <StateSymbol> Optional. Values: true/false

              <StatisticalSymbol> Optional. Values: true/false

              <DatumCompartment> Optional. Specify up to three of these nodes

                   <TranslationConstraintAlongXAxis> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <TranslationConstraintAlongYAxis> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <TranslationConstraintAlongZAxis> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <RotationalConstraintAlongXAxis> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <RotationalConstraintAlongYAxis> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <RotationalConstraintAlongZAxis> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <ContactFeature> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <OrientationDegreesOfFreedomOnly> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <VariableLinearDistanceWithinACollectionOfFeatures> Optional. Values: true/false

                   <Translation> Optional. Values: true/false

                  <TranslationValueI> Optional. Values: numerical

                  <TranslationValueJ> Optional. Values: numerical

                  <TranslationValueK> Optional. Values: numerical

                   <DatumDetail> / <Datums> Specify one of these two nodes. See below


                                <DatumDetail>/<Datums> Any number of either of these nodes


                                                              <DatumDetail> Any number of these nodes


                                <DatumLetter> Values: text

                                <PlaneSituationFeature> Optional. Values: true/false

                                <StraightLineSituationFeature> Optional. Values: true/false

                                <PointSituationFeature> Optional. Values: true/false

                               <AnyCrossSection> Optional. Values: true/false

                               <AnyLongitudinalSection> Optional. Values: true/false

                                <FeatureProjection> Optional. Values: true/false

                                <Projection> Optional. Values: numerical

                                <DatumMaterialCondition> Optional. Values: MaximumMaterialCondition/ LeastMaterialCondition/ RegardlessToFeatureSize

                                <FreeState> Optional. Values: true/false

Gtol frame symbol XML node to user interface mapping

Tolerance dialog


The Tolerance dialog above appears when a Gtol symbol is placed in the graphics area. The symbols inside the yellow oval each map to Gtol XML <ToleranceSymbol>. In SOLIDWORKS, each of these tolerance symbols is defined in C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 20nn\lang\english\gtol.sym. Using the Gtol API, you can specify 42 different tolerance symbols (14 tolerance symbols (ANGULAR, CIRC, CONC, CYL, FLAT, LPROF, PARA, PERP, POSI, SPROF, SRUN, STRAIGHT, SYMMETRY, TRUN) in each of three libraries:  GTOL, IGTOL, and GGTOL). You can specify two additional tolerance symbols using the GGTOL library: LONG, AXIS. Inspect the GTOL,  IGTOL, and GGTOL libraries in gtol.sym and specify the XML geometric tolerance symbol name in LibraryName-SymbolName format.

Internally, SOLIDWORKS formats the tolerance symbol with angle brackets: <LibraryName-SymbolName>. <IGTOL-FLAT> (Flatness tolerance symbol (*FLAT) in the ISO Geometric Tolerancing library (IGTOL) of gtol.sym)

You must remove the angle brackets when specifying the flatness symbol in the Gtol XML string:


If a frame is a composite with the frame above it, <ToleranceSymbol> for the second frame is empty:

<ToleranceSymbol></ToleranceSymbol> for frame 2 means that frame 1 and 2 are composites.

In Gtol the first frame has XML string <ToleranceSymbol>IGTOL-FLAT</ToleranceSymbol> and second frame has XML string <ToleranceSymbol></ToleranceSymbol>.



A Tolerance options dialog above appears when a tolerance symbol is selected in the Tolerance dialog and the Gtol is placed in the graphics area. The Range information in the picture above maps to XML node <ToleranceRangeInfo> and its sub-nodes.

The ovals are numbered and colored in a top to bottom, left to right fashion as follows: 1 (yellow), 2 (red), 3 (purple), 4 (yellow), 5 (red), 6 (purple), 7 (yellow), 8 (red). 

Yellow oval 1 maps to XML node <PrimaryToleranceValue> which has a numerical value.

Red oval 2 maps to XML node <PrimaryRangeSymbol>, with possible values sPhi (for spherical diameter), phi (diameter), sqr (square), or empty for none.

Purple oval 3 maps to XML node <ConjunctionSymbol1>, with possible values -,  /, or empty for neither.

Yellow oval 4 maps to XML node <ToleranceZone> which has a numerical value.

Red oval 5 maps to XML node <ToleranceZoneSymbol>, with possible values sPhi (for spherical diameter), phi (diameter), sqr (square), deg (degree), or empty for none.

Purple oval 6 maps to XML node <ConjunctionSymbol2> with values - or  X (no empty value option here).

Yellow oval 7 maps to XML node <RestrictedToleranceZoneLimit> has a numerical value.

Red oval 8 maps to XML node <RestrictedToleranceZoneLimitSymbol> with possible values sPhi (for spherical diameter), phi (diameter), sqr (square), deg (degree), or empty for none.

Apply Max Tolerance control maps to XML node <ApplyMAXTolerance> with possible values true or false. If Apply Max Tolerance is selected in the dialog, the max tolerance symbol and value controls are enabled.

Max tolerance symbol control maps to XML node <MaxToleranceSymbol> with possible value of phi (diameter).

Max tolerance value control maps to XML node <MaxToleranceValue> with possible numerical values.

The first frame in the above Gtol has Range XML string:











The second frame has Range XML string:





Offset Zone

A Tolerance options dialog above appears when a tolerance symbol is selected in the Tolerance dialog and the Gtol is placed in the graphics area. The Offset Zone information in the picture above maps to XML node <OffsetZoneInfo> and its sub-nodes.

In the first row, the circle-U control maps to Gtol XML node <UnequallyDisposedProfile >. Setting its value to true is analogous to clicking that control. The edit field control next to circle-U maps to Gtol XML node <OutsideDeposition> which takes a numerical value.

The UZ control in the second row maps to Gtol XML node <ToleranceZoneOffset>. Setting its value to true is analogous to clicking that control.

The +/- controls next to UZ map to Gtol XML nodes <OutsideFirstZoneOffset> and <InsideFirstZoneOffset>. Setting each to true is analogous to clicking those controls. The last edit value field on the UZ line maps to Gtol XML node <FirstOffset> which takes  a numerical value.

The next line’s +/- controls map to Gtol XML nodes <OutsideSecondZoneOffset> and <InsideSecondZoneOffset>. Set each to true to click those controls. The last edit value field on the line maps to Gtol XML node <SecondOffset> which takes a numerical value.

<UnequallyDisposedProfile> and <ToleranceZoneOffset> are mutually exclusive.

The Dynamic Profile control maps to Gtol XML node <DynamicProfile> with possible values, true or false.

The Combination controls map to Gtol XML node <Combination> with possible values CZ or SZ, but not both.

The Constraint controls (OZ (Offset Tolerance Zone), VA (Unspecified Angular Tolerance Zone Offset Specification Element), >< (Orientation-only Specification Element)) map to Gtol XML node <Constraint> with possible values OffsetToleranceZone / UnspecifiedAngularToleranceZoneOffset / OrientationOnly. Specify one, two, or all three.

 Gtol  has the following Offset Zone XML string:







A Tolerance options dialog above appears when a tolerance symbol is selected in the Tolerance dialog and the Gtol is placed in the graphics area. The Feature information in the picture above maps to XML node <FeatureInfo> and its sub-nodes.

The top four rows define multiple filters. The filter types are listed in the second and third rows. Each filter type has associated information in the fourth row.

The information about a filter type (as shown in an edit box in the top row) maps to Gtol XML node <FilterDetail>. Since there could be many <FilterDetail> elements, <Filters> contains an array of <FilterDetail>.

The 17 controls in the second and third rows of the dialog map to Gtol XML node <FilterSymbol>.

There are seven controls in the fourth row of the dialog. The first three controls correspond to the first cutoff value, with possible short/long wave dashes around it. The middle control is a separator value that can be a space or an X. The last three controls correspond to the second cutoff value, with possible short/long wave dashes around it.

The fourth row of controls in the Gtol,  map (from left to right) to the following Gtol XML nodes:

                <ShortWavePassFilter> true/false, analogous to setting/unsetting the first dash

                <CutOff> numerical value

                <LongWavePassFilter> true/false, analogous to setting/unsetting the second dash

                <FilterIndicationSeparator> Three possible values: space, "X", or empty. If empty, no space or X is added between cutoff and cutoff2 strings

                <ShortWavePassFilter2> true/false, analogous to setting/unsetting the first dash

                <CutOff2> numerical value

                <LongWavePassFilter2> true/false, analogous to setting/unsetting the second dash


Gtol has two filters of type AB and CD. “AB-2” is filter 1 and “CD-3x-4” is filter 2. The filter portion of its XML string:




















The row of Associated Feature controls map to Gtol XML node <AssociatedFeatureInfo>. This node has five possible mutually exclusive string values (corresponding to the five controls from left to right) “Minimax / LeastSquares / MinimumCircumscribed / Tangent / MaximumInscribed”.

<AssociatedFeatureInfo></AssociatedFeatureInfo> is analogous to de-selecting all five controls.


The 4 controls in the last row,  map to the following Gtol XML nodes:

              <ProjectedToleranceZone> true/false, analogous to clicking/unclicking the  control

             <Projection> numerical value

             <ProjectionRange> numerical value

             <DerivedFeatureForFeatureOfSize> true/false, analogous to clicking/unclicking the  control


A Tolerance options dialog above appears when a tolerance symbol is selected in the Tolerance dialog and the Gtol is placed in the graphics area. The Characteristic information in the picture above maps to Gtol XML nodes:  

                <AssociatedCharacteristic> has mutually exclusive values, C, CE, CI, G, GE, GI, X, N, or empty

                <ParametricCharacteristic> has mutually exclusive values, P, V, T, Q, or empty

Material Condition

A Tolerance options dialog above appears when a tolerance symbol is selected in the Tolerance dialog and the Gtol is placed in the graphics area. The Material Condition information in the picture above maps to XML node <MaterialCondition> and its four sub-nodes. All of these nodes have true/false values. Setting a node to true is analogous to clicking the control in the user interface.





Gtol  has the following Material Condition XML string:







Only M, L, S, MR, and LR are allowed. No other combinations are permitted.


A Tolerance options dialog above appears when a tolerance symbol is selected in the Tolerance dialog and the Gtol is placed in the graphics area.The Symbol information in the picture above maps to XML nodes <StateSymbol> and <StatisticalSymbol>. Both have true/false values. Set each to true to click the corresponding control.

Datum dialog

The Datum dialog above appears when you click Add Datum in the Tolerance Options dialog box.


Each of the 3 datums (A-B, C, D) maps to Gtol XML node <DatumCompartment> and sub-nodes <DatumDetail> and <DatumLetter>. Each datum compartment can have a single datum letter, like C or D, or it can have a datum group (A-B) as in the Gtol above. A datum compartment can also have a sub-datum group (C-D) which maps to Gtol XML node <SubDatums> and its sub-nodes.

Gtol has the following Gtol XML string:

































The datum letters are listed in the top row of the Datum dialog. The next five rows of 23 controls are associated with each datum letter, with 13 exceptions. The 13 exceptions are controls x,y,z,u,v,w,[CF], ><, [DV], triangle symbol, i, j, and k. These 13 controls apply to the whole datum compartment and display at the end of the datum compartment. They all have true/false values. The 13 user-interface controls that apply to the entire datum compartment map to Gtol XML nodes as follows:

    <TranslationConstraintAlongXAxis>  - x

                <TranslationConstraintAlongYAxis>  - y

                <TranslationConstraintAlongZAxis>  - z

                <RotationalConstraintAlongXAxis>    - u

                <RotationalConstraintAlongYAxis>    - v

                <RotationalConstraintAlongZAxis>    - w

                <ContactFeature> - [CF]

                <OrientationDegreesOfFreedomOnly>  - ><

                <VariableLinearDistanceWithinACollectionOfFeatures>  - [DV]

                <Translation>  - triangle symbol

                <TranslationValueI> - i

                <TranslationValueJ> - j

                <TranslationValueK> - k 

The other ten controls pertain to a datum letter and are listed under the node <DatumDetail> for that datum letter. The ten datum user-interface controls map to Gtol XML nodes as follows:

                <DatumLetter> - string value for datum letter displayed in the edit box in the top row of the Datum dialog

                <PlaneSituationFeature> -[PL]

                <StraightLineSituationFeature> -[SL]

                <PointSituationFeature> -[PT]

               <AnyCrossSection> - [ACS]

               <AnyLongitudinalSection> - [ALS]

                <FeatureProjection>  -

                <Projection> - the edit box next to feature projection in the Datum dialog

                <DatumMaterialCondition> - 3 possible values MaximumMaterialCondition / LeastMaterialCondition / RegardlessToFeatureSize

                <FreeState> -

The second datum compartment of this Gtol  has the following Gtol XML string:










The last datum compartment of this Gtol   has the following Gtol XML string:













When the datum compartment has more than one datum letter, the node <Datums> contains a number of sub-nodes of type <DatumDetail>, <SubDatums>, and <DatumLetter>.

For this Gtol :

The first datum compartment has the following Gtol XML string:



















The second datum compartment has the following Gtol XML string:











The third datum compartment has the following Gtol XML string:







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