Get the Current Name of the Configuration of a Suppressed Component (C#)
Get Current Name of Configuration of Suppressed Component (C#)
This example shows how to obtain the current name of the configuration of a
suppressed component.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Read the SOLIDWORKS Document Manager API Getting Started topic
// and ensure that the required DLLs are registered.
// 2. Copy and paste this code into a C# console application
// in Microsoft Visual Studio.
// 3. Add the SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll reference
// to the project:
// a. Right-click the solution in Solution Explorer.
// b. Click Add Reference.
// c. Click Browse.
// d. Click install_dir\api\redist\SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll.
e. Click Add.
// f. Click OK.
// 4. Substitute your_license_key with your SOLIDWORKS
// Document Manager license key.
// 5. Substitute assembly_with_suppressed_comps with the path to an assembly
// that contains one or more suppressed components.
// 6. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions: Examine the Immediate window for configuration information.
using System;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main()
//Specify your license key and path and filename of assembly document
const string sLicenseKey = "your_license_key";
const string sDocFileName = "assembly_with_suppressed_comps";
SwDMClassFactory swClassFact = default(SwDMClassFactory);
SwDMApplication4 swDocMgr = default(SwDMApplication4);
SwDMDocument18 swDoc = default(SwDMDocument18);
SwDMDocument18 swDoc2 = default(SwDMDocument18);
SwDmDocumentOpenError nRetVal = 0;
SwDMExternalReferenceOption2 dmExtRefOption;
SwDMSearchOption dmSearchOpt;
int numExtRefs;
swClassFact = new SwDMClassFactory();
swDocMgr = (SwDMApplication4)swClassFact.GetApplication(sLicenseKey);
swDoc = (SwDMDocument18)swDocMgr.GetDocument(sDocFileName, GetDocType(sDocFileName), false, out nRetVal);
Debug.Assert(SwDmDocumentOpenError.swDmDocumentOpenErrorNone == nRetVal);
Debug.Print("File = " + swDoc.FullName);
dmExtRefOption = swDocMgr.GetExternalReferenceOptionObject2();
dmSearchOpt = swDocMgr.GetSearchOptionObject();
dmExtRefOption.SearchOption = dmSearchOpt;
dmExtRefOption.Configuration = "Default";
dmExtRefOption.NeedSuppress = true;
numExtRefs = swDoc.GetExternalFeatureReferences3(dmExtRefOption);
Array arrExtRefs = (Array)(dmExtRefOption.ExternalReferences);
SwDMConfiguration12 config;
SwDMConfigurationMgr configMgr = swDoc.ConfigurationManager;
object comps=config.GetComponents();
Array arrComps = (Array)comps;
foreach (SwDMComponent9 swComp in arrComps)
Debug.Print("Component name: " + swComp.Name2);
Debug.Print("Component Configuration name: " + swComp.ConfigurationName);
Debug.Print("Component Configuration ID: " + swComp.ConfigurationID);
Debug.Print("Component Component ID: " + swComp.GetID());
string ComponentPathName = swComp.PathName;
//Check validity of the Component's path name
//It might be out of date if the path changed after
//the component was suppressed
if (!File.Exists(ComponentPathName))
//If that file cannot be found, look for an external
//reference with the same name
ComponentPathName = FindExtRefPath(swComp.PathName, arrExtRefs);
swDoc2 = (SwDMDocument18)swDocMgr.GetDocument(ComponentPathName, GetDocType(ComponentPathName), false, out nRetVal);
SwDMConfiguration12 config2;
SwDMConfigurationMgr configMgr2 = swDoc2.ConfigurationManager;
string[] confignames = (string[])configMgr2.GetConfigurationNames();
ArrayList arrConfigNames = new ArrayList(confignames);
// If the configuration name for the component doesn't match an
// existing config name in the reference part, go find the updated
// config name from the part
if (!arrConfigNames.Contains(swComp.ConfigurationName))
foreach (string configName in arrConfigNames)
config2 = (SwDMConfiguration12)configMgr2.GetConfigurationByName(configName);
if (config2.GetID() == swComp.ConfigurationID)
Debug.Print("Reference part configuration name: " + config2.Name2);
static string FindExtRefPath(string name, Array arrComps)
string ExtrefPathName = name;
string[] nameParts = name.Split('\\');
string justName = nameParts.GetValue(nameParts.GetUpperBound(0)).ToString();
int i = arrComps.GetLowerBound(0);
Boolean found = false;
while ((i<=arrComps.GetUpperBound(0)) && !found)
string extref = (arrComps.GetValue(i)).ToString();
string[] extrefParts = extref.Split('\\');
string justextrefName = extrefParts.GetValue(extrefParts.GetUpperBound(0)).ToString();
if (justextrefName == justName)
found = true;
ExtrefPathName = extref;
return ExtrefPathName;
static SwDmDocumentType GetDocType(string name)
SwDmDocumentType nDocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentUnknown;
if (name.EndsWith("SLDPRT"))
nDocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentPart;
else if (name.EndsWith("SLDASM"))
nDocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentAssembly;
return nDocType;