DisplayImage: Displays an image in the viewport, at a specified location.
- Top: Distance of image from the top of the viewport
- Left: Distance of image from the left of the viewport
- Size: Image size (with locked aspect ratio)
- Picture: Image path
DisplayText: Displays a text panel in the viewport, at a specified location. |
- Top: Distance of image from the top of the viewport
- Left: Distance of image from the left of the viewport
- Text: Text to display
- Font Size: Size of the font to use for the text
- Font Family: Family of the font to use for the text
- Font Color: Color of the font to use for the text
- Background Color: Color to use in the text background
Flash: Highlights selected actors. |
- Color: Color to use when flashing (can be set to Undefined)
- Intensity: Intensity of the emission
- Repetition: Number of times to flash
Rotate: Rotates selected actors. | - Axis (X, Y, Z): Rotation axis. Instead of entering the values, you can click Pick to select the position in the viewport. You can use Alt to pick the center of an axis, and Shift to revert the picked axis.
- Angle: Rotation angle
Scale: Re-scales selected actors from the pivot origin. | - Scale Ratio: Scale ratio of selected actor
- Repetition: Number of times to apply scale ratio to selected actor
- The pivot definition must not be animated in the time. Define the pivot of the object at time 0, before the step. - The step can be applied on a
selection of actors. The selected actors must not have any parenting relation
(otherwise, if a child actor and its parent actor are both animated by a Scale
or Translate motion, the child actor will move twice, once throught its
parent's motion, once through its own motion).
SetColor: Changes the color of the selected actors. | - Color: Color of selected actor during animation (can be set to Undefined)
SetTransparency: Changes the opacity of the selected actors. | - Transparency: Opacity of selected actor during animation
Transform: Moves the selected actors freely. | - Position (X, Y, Z): Final position of selected actor. Instead of entering the values, you can click Pick to select the position in the viewport. You can use Alt to pick the center of an axis, and Shift to revert the picked axis.
Translate: Translates the selected actors. | - Axis (X, Y, Z): Translation axis, that is the normalized vector along which the translation is applied.
Click Pick Axis to select the axis in the 3D. Click Pick Point to select a point in the 3D. This calculates a vector in the world coordinate system, between this point and the origin of the pivot of the selected actor or actors. Notes:
- If several actors are selected, and if all actors have the same origin, then the common pivot origin is used. Otherwise, the center of the bounding box is used. - The pivot definition must not be animated in the time. Define the pivot of the object at time 0, before the step. - The step can be applied on a
selection of actors. The selected actors must not have any parenting relation
(otherwise, if a child actor and its parent actor are both animated by a Scale
or Translate motion, the child actor will move twice, once throught its
parent's motion, once through its own motion).
- Distance: Translation distance