Working with MultiLeaderStyles
Use the MultiLeaderStyle command to create, edit, activate, rename, or delete MultiLeaderStyles in drawings.
MultiLeaderStyles control the way MultiLeaders look.
To work with MultiLeaderStyles:
To create new MultiLeaderStyles:
- In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand MultiLeader.
- Click New.
- In the Create new MultiLeaderStyle dialog box, type a new name and click OK.
The new MultiLeaderStyle appears in Style.
- Under Format:
- Set the Line type:
- Straight. Draws straight lines between the leader points you specify.
- Spline. Draws a spline using the leader points you specify.
- None. Creates leader content without leader lines. Use the EditMultiLeaders command to add leader lines later.
- Specify Line Settings:
- Style. Specifies the LineStyle of the leader line.
- Color. Specifies the LineColor of the leader line.
- Weight. Specifies the LineWeight of the leader line.
- Specify Arrowhead Setting:
- Arrow Style. Specifies the arrowhead symbol for the starting point of the leader.
- Size. Specifies the arrowhead size (in drawing units).
- Under Settings:
- Set Vertex options:
- Unlimited. Specifies that the leader line has an unlimited number of vertices.
- Vertex maximum. Specifies the maximum number of vertices of the leader line. This option is not available if you selected Unlimited.
- Set Angle options:
- First segment. Specifies an angle which constrains the orientation of the first leader line segment.
- Second segment. Specifies an angle which constrains the orientation of the second leader line segment.
- Set Landing Line options:
- Include landing line. Attaches a horizontal landing line to the MultiLeader content.
- Length. Specifies a fixed length of the landing line.
- Set Scale options:
- Annotative scaling. Specifies whether the MultiLeaderStyle is annotative.
- If you cleared Annotative scaling, specify an option:
- Scale MultiLeaders according to Sheet. Bases the scale factor on the ratio of Model workspace to Sheet workspace Viewports.
- Scale Factor. Specifies a fixed scale factor for the MultiLeader.
- Under Contents:
- Set the Content Type:
- Block. Inserts a Block at the end of the MultiLeader.
- Note. Inserts a Note at the end of the MultiLeader.
- Tolerance. Inserts a Tolerance at the end of the MultiLeader.
- None. Exits the MultiLeader command without annotating the leader.
- If you selected Block, specify the Block properties:
- Block name. Specifies the Block for MultiLeader content.
- Color. Specifies the color of the Block content (ByBlock by default).
- Scale. Specifies a scale factor for the Block insertions.
- If you selected Note, specify options to determine the text appearance:
- Predefined note. Specifies a default text for the MultiLeader content.
- Style. Specifies the MultiLeader TextStyle.
- Color. Specifies the MultiLeader text color.
- Angle. Specifies the rotation angle of MultiLeader text.
- Height. Specifies the height of MultiLeader text.
- Left justify. Specifies whether MultiLeader text is always left justified.
- Show text frame. Surrounds MultiLeader text with a frame.
- In Leader attachment, set:
- Horizontal / Vertical. Attaches the leader to the text horizontally or vertically.
- Left / Right. If you specified horizontal attachment, specify the left and right locations where the leader attaches to the text.
- Top / Bottom. If you specified vertical attachment, specify the top and bottom locations where the leader attaches to the text.
- Offset from landing line. Specifies the gap between the landing line and the text.
- If you selected Tolerance, specify options:
- Tolerance attachment with leader line. Specifies the location where the Tolerance connects to the leader line (Middle, Top, or Bottom).
The Preview area displays the MultiLeader you define with the specified settings.
To edit MultiLeaderStyles:
When you edit MultiLeaderStyles, all existing MultiLeader entities that use the MultiLeaderStyle automatically update to reflect the modified style.
- In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand MultiLeader.
- In Style, select a MultiLeaderStyle.
The Style list contains all MultiLeaderStyles that are defined in the drawing.
- Set options under Format, Settings, and Contents.
To activate a MultiLeaderStyle:
The active MultiLeaderStyle is used for the MultiLeaders command.
- In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand MultiLeader.
- In Style, select a MultiLeaderStyle.
- Click Activate.
To rename MultiLeaderStyles:
- In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand MultiLeader.
- In Style, select a MultiLeaderStyle.
- Click Rename.
- In the Rename MultiLeaderStyle dialog box, type a new name and click OK.
Note: You cannot change the name of the Standard MultiLeaderStyle, but you can edit its settings.
To delete MultiLeaderStyles:
Note: You cannot delete a MultiLeaderStyle that is currently used in the drawing.
- In the Options dialog box, on the Drafting Styles page, expand MultiLeader.
- In Style, select a MultiLeaderStyle.
- Click Delete.
MultiLeaderStyles are saved with the drawing file only with a reference to the corresponding font file. They are available any time you open the drawing if the corresponding font file exists in the program folders.
Command: MultiLeaderStyle
Menu: Format > MultiLeader Style
Ribbon: Annotate > MultiLeader > MultiLeader Style