Setting Constraint Options
Use the ConstraintOptions command to set options for Geometric and Dimensional Constraints.
To define Geometric Constraint settings:
- Click Constraints > Constraint Options (or type ConstraintOptions).
- Expand Geometric.
- Under Constraint icons settings, activate the Geometric Constraints to display in the graphics area.
- Click Clear all to cancel the selections or Select all to select all Geometric Constraints.
- Specify whether to:
- Display constraint icons only for entities in the current plane
- Show constraint icons after applying constraints to selected entities
- Show constraint icons when entities are selected
- Under Constraint icons transparency, specify the transparency percentage for constraint icons in the graphics area.
- Click OK.
To define Dimensional Constraint settings:
- Click Constraints > Constraint Options (or type ConstraintOptions).
- Expand Dimensional.
- Under Dimensional constraint format:
- In Dimension name format, select Name, Value, or Name and Expression.
- Specify whether to Show lock icon for annotational constraints.
- Note: The lock icon is not visible in print output.
- Under Show options, specify whether to Show hidden dynamic constraints for selected entities.
- Click OK.
Command: ConstraintOptions
Menu: Constraints > Constraint Options
Ribbon: Constraints > Manage > Options