Relating Dimensions
Use RelateDimension to reestablish the relation of Dimensions to entities. When you create a new drawing and modify a dimensioned entity, the related Dimension updates its position and text reflecting the entity's changes. If you open existing drawings, sometimes the Dimensions are not related with entities.
To reestablish the relation of Dimensions to entities:
- Click Dimension > Relate Dimension (or type RelateDimension).
- In the graphics area, select Dimensions and press Enter.
Drawing entities that are not Dimensions are filtered out.
The first specified Dimension is highlighted.
- Follow the prompts for the first specified Dimension (or press Enter to skip to the next Dimension).
- For linear and aligned Dimensions: Select the first and second extension line origins. You can also specify that entities reestablish their relation with the linear Dimensions.
- For radius and diameter Dimensions: Select an Arc or Circle to reestablish their relation to radius or diameter Dimensions.
- For 3-point angular Dimensions: Select the angle vertex, the first angle end point, and the second angle end point. You can also specify an Arc or Circle to associate with the angular Dimension.
- For 2-line angular Dimensions: Select a first and a second Line to relate these entities to an angular Dimension based on two Lines.
- For ordinate Dimensions: Select a new feature location to reestablish ordinate Dimensions to points.
- For leader Dimensions: Select a new relation point for the Leader.
The Dimension text updates automatically.
- If you selected more than one Dimension, repeat step 3 as needed.
Note: You might need to edit the location of the dimension lines because the newly related Dimension might not be positioned optimally after the update.
Command: RelateDimension
Menu: Dimension > Relate Dimension
Ribbon: Annotate > Dimensions > (Flyout) Reassociate Dimension