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Use the -MakeBlockAttribute command to create a BlockAttribute definition.

It is the command window variant of the MakeBlockAttribute command.

BlockAttribute definitions let you attach variable or constant text to Blocks. When you insert a Block containing BlockAttributes, you are prompted to specify values for each BlockAttribute (unless the value is defined with a constant value).

You can define BlockAttributes as singleline or multiline objects.

You can edit BlockAttributes of Block references later with the EditBlockAttribute command. You can edit the name, request, and value with the EditAnnotation command.

To define simple BlockAttributes:

  1. Type -MakeBlockAttribute at the command prompt. The command window displays the default settings.
  2. Specify the behavior option:
    • Annotative. Specifies whether annotative scaling is applied when inserting Blocks with the BlockAttribute you define. If the Block that contains the BlockAttribute is defined as an annotative entity, the BlockAttribute follows the Block orientation.
    • Hidden. Specifies whether the BlockAttribute value is visible in Block references. When enabled, the value does not display during insertion in the drawing. Use this if the BlockAttribute contains information to analyze later that does not have to be displayed on the drawing. This option is helpful when there are so many BlockAttributes that the drawing is unclear and confusing. To temporarily display hidden BlockAttributes use the DisplayBlockAttributes command.
    • Fixed. Specifies whether the BlockAttribute displays constant or variable values. When enabled, the default value of the BlockAttribute is a constant value and you cannot specify variable data.
    • Lock in Block. Determines whether the BlockAttribute within the Block reference is locked. When unlocked, you can move the BlockAttribute with EntityGrips.
    • Predefined. Specifies whether the BlockAttributes accept their default values. When enabled, values are not requested. The option lets you edit values after insertion with the editing commands.
    • Validate. Prompts you for verification that the BlockAttribute value is correct when inserting a Block.
    • Multilines. Specifies whether the BlockAttribute is singleline or multiline. The text setting options are according to the specified behavior.
  3. Press Enter to exit specifying options. The command window displays the current settings.

      Note: Make sure that Multilines is disabled.

  4. Specify the name of the BlockAttribute and press Enter. It may have any number of characters.
  5. Specify the caption text displayed at the command window during Block insertion. It may have up to 256 characters.
  6. Specify the default value of the BlockAttribute. It may have up to 256 characters and may be a constant or variable.
  7. In the graphics area, specify the BlockAttribute position.

    - or -

    Specify one of the following options:

    • Justify: Sets the position and alignment of the BlockAttribute text in relation to the insertion point (for example, TL for top left alignment). (Vertical alignment: T = top, M = middle, B = bottom; horizontal alignment: L = left, C = center, R = right).
    • Style: Sets the TextStyle. You can create new TextStyles with the TextStyle command.
  8. Specify the text height used within the BlockAttribute.
  9. In the graphics area, specify the BlockAttribute insertion angle.

    - or -

    Type a value between 0° and 360°. For a counter-clockwise rotation type a positive value, for a clockwise rotation type a negative value.

To define a multiline BlockAttribute

  1. Type -MakeBlockAttribute at the command prompt. The command window displays the default settings.
  2. Specify the Multiline option.
  3. Specify other behavior options:
    • Annotative. Specifies whether annotative scaling is applied when inserting Blocks with the BlockAttribute you define. If the Block that contains the BlockAttribute is defined as an annotative entity, the BlockAttribute follows the Block orientation.
    • Hidden. Specifies whether the BlockAttribute value is visible in Block references. When enabled, the value does not display during insertion in the drawing. Use this if the BlockAttribute contains information to analyze later that does not have to be displayed on the drawing. This option is helpful when there are so many BlockAttributes that the drawing is unclear and confusing. To temporarily display hidden BlockAttributes use the DisplayBlockAttributes command.
    • Fixed. Specifies whether the BlockAttribute displays constant or variable values. When enabled, the default value of the BlockAttribute is a constant value and you cannot specify variable data.
    • Lock in Block. Determines whether the BlockAttribute within the Block reference is locked. When unlocked, you can move the BlockAttribute with EntityGrips.
    • Predefined. Specifies whether the BlockAttributes accept their default values. When enabled, values are not requested. The option lets you edit values after insertion with the editing commands.
    • Validate. Prompts you for verification that the BlockAttribute value is correct when inserting a Block.
  4. Press Enter to exit specifying options.
  5. Specify the name of the BlockAttribute and press Enter. It may have any number of characters.
  6. Specify the caption text displayed at the command window during Block insertion. It may have up to 256 characters.
  7. Specify the default text of the BlockAttribute. You are prompted for each line of text. You can specify as many lines as necessary.
  8. After you specify all lines of the text, press Enter.
  9. In the graphics area, specify the first corner of the multiline BlockAttribute.
  10. Specify the opposite corner of the multiline BlockAttribute or specify the text setting options:
    • Angle: Specifies the insertion angle of the BlockAttribute. Specify the BlockAttribute insertion angle. Type a value between 0° and 360°. For a counter-clockwise rotation type a positive value, for a clockwise rotation type a negative value.
    • Height: Specifies the text height used within BlockAttribute.
    • Justify: Specifies the position and alignment of the BlockAttribute text box (for example, TL for top left alignment). (Vertical alignment: T = top, M = middle, B = bottom; horizontal alignment: L = left, C = center, R = right).
    • Line spacing: Specifies line spacing used within the attribute. Line spacing is the vertical distance between the baseline of a line of text to the baseline of the next line of text. Specify an option:
      • At least: Sets the minimum line spacing that is needed to fit the largest font on the line.
      • Exactly: Sets fixed line spacing distance or factor. To space all lines evenly within a paragraph, use exact spacing and specify an amount of space that is large enough to fit the largest character in the line.
    • TextStyle: Specifies the text style. Type the name of a TextStyle or press Enter to accept the Standard default. You can create new TextStyles with the TextStyle command. You can also specify the ? option to display the list of available TextStyles in the command window.
    • Width: Defines for multiline BlockAttributes the maximum width of text lines before wrapping to the next line. Set the value to 0.00 to have no restriction on the text line length.

        Note: This option is available only if you selected the Multiline option.


Command: -MakeBlockAttribute

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