Selecting Entities of the Same Type and Shared Properties
Use the SelectMatching command to select drawing entities of the same type and with shared properties. This helps you to use subsequent commands on the group of entities.
You select entities that represent the types to set as selection criteria (Line, Arc, Circle, PolyLine, Block, etc.).
The properties you can apply as selection criteria are: Entity style, Layer, LineColor, LineStyle, LineScale, LineWeight, PrintStyle, and Name. Entity styles include TextStyles, TableStyles, and DimensionStyles. Names includes Block names and the names of referenced objects (referenced drawings and images).
To select entities of the same type and shared properties:
- Type SelectMatching at the command prompt.
- In the graphics area, specify one or more entities of the type and properties you want to match.
- Optionally, specify the Settings option:
- In the dialog box, select or clear properties to define selection creteria.
- Click OK.
- Press Enter.
The entities which match type and properties of the specified entities are highlighted.
- Apply a modification command.
- At the Specify entities prompt, type Previous to apply the most recent selection set.
Command: SelectMatching